Hey SVN testing people -- it's go time! We're testing for the upcoming 1.0.9 release, and believe it or not there have been a lot of changes from 1.0.8, but still not quite ready for 1.1 (sub-albums and the new admin). I refuse to call any release 1.0.10, so 1.1 will be next, I promise. :-) Some new things we have include:
- PHP short tags fixed for included themes.
- E_NOTICE errors fixed.
- Better image error debugging info, fixed bugs in sizing with w/h/cw/ch/cx/cy
- Better input filtering for paths, security fixes.
- Global object read cache; reduces number of queries an order of magnitude or so (especially for Album pages).
- Simple EXIF data with our new library (now a part of the Zenphoto project!), needs theme functions for nicer display (anyone want to help with that?)
The object cache is the one big change I'm looking for bugs in, so if you see any unusual activity or strange database entries, please let me know. Thanks!
SVN as always can be checked out from
http://www.zenphoto.org/svn/trunk or downloaded as a ZIP archive from
http://www.zenphoto.org/trac/browser/trunk (see "Other formats" at the bottom of the page).
If the default order is filename and you arrange the photos in your album, when you click save, it says "album order saved. Album sorting set to manual" But it doesnt save the order I just organized them in. Every time after that it will save it but not the first time..
After running upgrade.php, I choose Administrate and it brought me to beta.chilifrei.net/trunk/admin
This may be correct with modrewrite enabled but Modrewrite is not enabled.. this is IIS
Also, the inline edit no longer works. It does work for me on my main gallery but not this latest svn..I really dont know how to judge this though.. it has always been kinda hit or miss for me with this.
That is all I have right now.. Ill post back with some more if I find any..
Also.. comment notification on IIS does not work.. I havent seen it in the bug tracker and I havent really paid much attention to this cause I dont use it.. I just remember a post about that a couple of days ago or so. Ill add it to the bug tracker..
try to checkout from your svn to my wc?
Daniel (Chilfrei64 daniel...) could you tell me more about the AJAX edit not working? Where does it go wrong? Would you turn on debugging and tell me what it gives you? It's working great for me...
Here is what I gathered(NOTE: Everything is IIS6... i know i know):
It is a javascript error and not a php error
It works fine on 3 installations that are wordpress integrated using the original noscope.com integration
Any new gallery I install on which is not integrated with anything(standalone with default theme) it does not work.
Here is a firebug output of where it is erroring
I hope any of this helps.. I will search more but if I dont get a couple things done tonight the wifey is gonna kill me.
Anyway, I can report that current SVN is running well as a base for hacking for me.
(I'm mostly fixing a theme to look/behave like my previous gallery setup but in getting there I need/want to brush up my LAMP skills and try out a few things - an additional per album css to override the colour scheme, certain albums not linked to the front page (events/ friends' weddings etc that the whole world doesn't need to see), tinkering with some javascript/preloading to speed up the interface. If I achieve anything substantial beyond integrating other people's hacks I'll be sure to give back to the community.
I looked at trying to allow ampersands in album directory names and got things working somewhat by going through the core code and irregularising some htmlspecialchars/urlencode/pathurlencode etc calls, but I've pretty much decided to move my album structure to dashes instead as a more reliable long term change - with a .htaccess redirect for people coming in through the old URLs, many of which were in the format http://website.com/pics/Bride&Groom/ . But anyway number 2, this post isn't about my hacking, more to report that the pre-1.0.9 version is running well.)
On the galleries it doesnt work on(my main testing site) it does not work in either IE or Firefox
Ill load a default install today on another webhost to see if there is a difference..
Everything at http://beta.chilifrei.net/trunk is new as of this afternoon(like 5 min from this post)
It is in its own database where the user has full control
It is on IIS6
I installed it on 2 different linux hosts and they work fine on those.
I guess the only weird part is on http://chilifrei.net/zp (my main gallery). It is working there and that is on the same server(IIS6)
To check things further, I installed ZP on my local server with the apache mod_rewrite module in place and enabled. But ZP only works when I turn MW off in .htaccess and zp-config.php. (RewriteEngine off, RewriteBase /trunk, $conf['mod_rewrite'] = false;)
So, I wouldn't release ANY new version if this is not fixed, the gallery is just not usable here. I hope this can be fixed soon, because I really need this supercool program...
Regards, Max.
Can we see a phpinfo() from your server? If you don't know how to do this, this is the code (place it in a file in the root of your web server where you can get to it):
`<?php<br />
// Show all information
and call it phpinfo.php
What it does is display how your web host has configured your server. It may be a simple thing. One thing that zenphoto doesn't work well with is PHP Safe Mode.
You may also want to do this phpinfo() on your local server, and post it as well so we can see what the configuration is in both places.
It may also help to post a copy of your zp_config file and your htaccess file.
We'll get you fixed up.
you will notice that if you click on the link it takes you to
instead of
Also, not sure if you just put it up there but there is a phpinfo here
Also. are there any .htaccess files in the root of your site there that might be affecting this
I notice that all your links on your front page point to a page further into your site.. but the url stays the same..
from your main page
your recent link points to
but when you click it your URL is still
I think this might be interfering with it whatever is causing the url redirection.
It is weird though.. (and I am no apache server expert) but mod-rewrite doesnt seem to be compiled with apache according to your phpinfo page.
When I turn MR off I can get to the gallery ONLY WHEN I INCLUDE index.php in the URL:
Everything works, but when I click on 'my photos' to go to the main page, I get the ugly page again, because the link points to http://maccusfoto.nl/trunk/ WITHOUT index.php in the URL.
When I turn MR on, it is the same, but when I click on an image on the second page, i get:
Zenphoto Error: the requested object was not found. Please go back and try again.
...and the URL looks like:
...jpg.php??? [edit] Oh I just looked at the config option, guess I should change that...
Ik have an .htaccess file in the Document Root that has the line:
AddType application/x-httpd-php html
but when I rename this to .htaccess.tmp I still get the errors.
The phpinfo file should be on the docroot of the server, do you still need a local PHP config?
Here's the files:
# htaccess file for zenphoto
# NOTE: Change the RewriteBase below to the absolute path to your zenphoto directory.
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine Off
#### !!! Change this to the web path (eg: http://www.example.com/photos --> /photos) !!!
RewriteBase /trunk
RewriteRule ^admin/?$ zen/admin.php [R,L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [NC,OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d [NC]
RewriteRule ^.*$ - [R,L]
RewriteRule index\.php$ index.php [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^page/([0-9]+)/?$ index.php?page=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^page/([A-Za-z0-9\-_]+)/?$ index.php?p=$1 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/page/([0-9]+)/?$ index.php?album=$1&page=$2 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/image/(thumb|[0-9]{1,4})/([^/\\]+)$ zen/i.php?a=$1&i=$3&s=$2 [L,QSA]
RewriteRule ^(.*)/image/([^/\\]+)$ zen/i.php?a=$1&i=$2 [L,QSA]
# Catch-all - everything else gets handled in PHP for compatibility.
RewriteRule ^(.*)/?$ index.php?album=$1 [L,QSA]
<?php /* PUT NOTHING BEFORE THIS LINE, not even a line break! */
$conf = array();
define("DEBUG", false);
/** Do not edit above this line. **/
/////////// zenPHOTO Configuration Variables //////////////////////////////
// After you're done editing this file, load
// http://www.yoursite.com/zenphotodir/zen/setup.php
// to run the setup (of course, replacing the paths where needed).
// NOTE: web_path and server_path are no longer needed! If you're having problems
// with the auto-detected paths, you can override them at the bottom of this file.
// Database Information (the most important part!)
$conf['mysql_user'] = "wordpress";
$conf['mysql_pass'] = "FFFFF";
$conf['mysql_host'] = "db.maccusfoto.nl"; // Won't need to change this 90% of the time.
$conf['mysql_database'] = "wordpress";
// If you're sharing the database with other tables, use a prefix to be safe.
$conf['mysql_prefix'] = "zp_";
// General Gallery Configuration
// What you want to call your photo gallery.
$conf['gallery_title'] = "my photos";
// Your web site title and address, if you have one. If not, leave blank.
// These are used to link back to your main site, but your theme must support it.
$conf['website_title'] = "";
$conf['website_url'] = "";
// If you're in a different time zone from your server, set the offset in hours:
$conf['time_offset'] = 0;
// If you have Apache mod_rewrite, put true here, and you'll get nice cruft-free URLs.
// MAKE SURE TO EDIT THE .htaccess FILE with your path information.
$conf['mod_rewrite'] = false;
// If mod_rewrite is true above, zenphoto's image page URL's usually end in .jpg,
// set this if you want something else appended to the end (helps search engines).
// Examples: .html, .php, /view, etc.
$conf['mod_rewrite_image_suffix'] = '.php';
// Admin interface username (also required for running setup).
$conf['adminuser'] = "adminos";
// This isn't that secure, so don't put anything here you don't want anyone to see...
// (but make sure you change it to something other than 1234...)
$conf['adminpass'] = "FFFFFF";
// The email for the admin user. Used to send notification emails.
$conf['admin_email'] = "";
// If you're running a secure server, change this to 'https' (Most people will leave this alone)
$conf['server_protocol'] = "http";
// The character encoding to use internally. Leave at UTF-8 if you're unsure.
$conf['charset'] = 'UTF-8';
// Image Processing Configuration
// JPEG Compression quality for all images and thumbnails (respectively):
$conf['image_quality'] = 85;
$conf['thumb_quality'] = 75;
// Default image display width (themes will be able to control this
// to an extent in the future, but for now you may have to adjust it to fit your theme).
$conf['image_size'] = 595;
// If this is set to true, then the longest side of the image will be $image_size.
// Otherwise, the *width* of the image will be $image_size.
$conf['image_use_longest_side'] = true;
// Allow images to be scaled up to the requested size? This could result in loss
// of quality, so it's off by default.
$conf['image_allow_upscale'] = false;
// Default thumbnail size and scale:
// If $thumb_crop is set to true, then the thumbnail will be a centered portion of the image
// with the given width and height after being resized to $thumb_size (by shortest side).
// Otherwise, it will be the full image resized to $thumb_size (by shortest side).
// NOTE: thumb_crop_width and height should always be less than or equal to thumb_size
$conf['thumb_size'] = 100;
$conf['thumb_crop'] = true;
$conf['thumb_crop_width'] = 85;
$conf['thumb_crop_height'] = 85;
// Add a small amount of unsharp mask to thumbnails? Slows thumbnail generation on slow servers.
$conf['thumb_sharpen'] = false;
// Paging options:
// Control of their display is done in the theme, so you might need to change these
// after switching themes to make it look better.
$conf['albums_per_page'] = 5;
$conf['images_per_page'] = 15;
// Comment cleaning configuration
// Tags and attributes allowed in comments
// Follow the array form array('tag' => array('attribute' => array()))
$conf['allowed_tags'] = array (
'a' => array ('href' => array (), 'title' => array ()),
'abbr' => array ('title' => array ()),
'acronym' => array ('title' => array ()),
'b' => array (),
'blockquote' => array ('cite' => array ()),
'code' => array (),
'em' => array (),
'i' => array (),
'strike' => array (),
'strong' => array (),
'ul' => array (),
'ol' => array (),
'li' => array (),
// Path Overrides
// Uncomment the following two lines ONLY IF YOU'RE HAVING PROBLEMS,
// like "file not found" or "not readable" errors.
// These allow you to override Zenphoto's detection of the correct paths
// on your server, which might work better on some setups.
// define('WEBPATH', '/zenphoto');
// define('SERVERPATH', '/full/server/path/to/zenphoto');
/** Do not edit below this line. **/
$_zp_conf_vars = $conf;
What was it that you did?
// If you have Apache mod_rewrite, put true here, and you'll get nice cruft-free URLs.
// MAKE SURE TO EDIT THE .htaccess FILE with your path information.
$conf['mod_rewrite'] = true;
// If mod_rewrite is true above, zenphoto's image page URL's usually end in .jpg,
// set this if you want something else appended to the end (helps search engines).
// Examples: .html, .php, /view, etc.
//$conf['mod_rewrite_image_suffix'] = '.php';
define('WEBPATH', '/trunk');
Something else: when I specify
$conf['image_size'] = 750;
the image is bigger than the theme, should I edit the theme to fix this ??
And when I click on an image (595px, 3rd page) I get the image in full size (750px), which is not what I want, is this editable in the theme also ??
Regards, Max.
And yes, you can edit the theme to accommodate larger images, though it should just work with the default one...
Any updates? :-)
He is busy right now so things are going to be coming along real slow