Zenpage News allowed, not category change

I want to allow a group to post a news item but prohibit the change of category of this news

in fact, only the super aministrateur must have the rights to change categories

are there any way to do this without hard coding
otherwise, what file should be changed


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    You can only assign a category as a managed item to users or a user group which which includes all of its articles. It is not possible to exclude the category itself for editing.
  • RB26 Member
  • Do you intend for the group to have more than one category they can post to? If you assign a managed category to the group this is the only category the group can select. However, they can post without a category.

    Do you want any other restrictions? Is it ok for all group members to edit any post in the category?

    As I see it right now Zenphoto does not consider "un-categorized" as a category. If it did then maybe you would have what you want. That is something that could be added fairly easily. It would also be possible to have subrights similar to those on albums applied to the categories.
  • RB26 Member
    @ sbillard thank you for the interest in my question

    having big problems with English, I'm not sure I understand all of the response, nor have explained well what I want to do

    `Do you intend for the group to have more than one category they can post to?`
    - no, only in one category

    what I wish to make:
    1- as super-admin, I create a category named "Blog". I must be the only one who can open the "Categories" tab in the admin and modify this category.

    2- a user group named "Posteurs" must have access to the "new article" option to post in the "Blog"

    3- if possible, only the author of an article (and the super-admin) has the right to modify the article he posted (Closed to any change)
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Then I at least did understand correctly.
    1. Sorry, that is not possible
    2. That is by assigning a user or group to that category (and nobody else).
    3. Is possible. On the right side in the "Publish" box of articles there is a checkbox named "Locked for changes". If that is set only the author who locked or an full admin can modify the article.
  • RB26 Member
    1-2) Ok this is what I understood,
    3) seems not to work properly:
    if a user "A" publishes an article and check the "Closed for changes", a "B" user (same group) can uncheck this box and / or make changes.
    perhaps a bug?

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Perhaps or as coded since it is the same user group. Have to look.
  • @RB26:

    Ok, I think I understand what you want. Having subrights to the news categories similar to what is available for albums would, I think, do what you wish.

    I have implemented that in my version of Zenphoto some time ago. You can find it on GitHub.
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