bugs gallery title and description

I restore my database but now I can not add the title or description of the site in options = > gallery .
if I insert the text normally and I click on apply , displays Applied zenphoto but the box remains empty and nothing is displayed on the site with zpbootstrap
I clear the table options , reinstall zenphoto but that does not change


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Please provide some more info: What Zenphoto version and most importantly are there are errors in the logs? Take a look what info helps us best to help: http://www.zenphoto.org/news/general-contributor-guidelines#reporting-bugs
  • fretzl Administrator, Developer
    Just a guess: Is the language "French" activated on Admin > Options > General > Language ?
  • j have version 1.4.8 and zpboostrap thème

    and the last bug is

    {10163:Sun, 07 Jun 2015 22:53:05 GMT} Zenphoto v1.4.6[bbddab76753e1d753a54ead4eb74b41d7d46cf73]

    NOTICE: Use of undefined constant ZP_PAGES_ENABLED - assumed 'ZP_PAGES_ENABLED' in /srv/filer02/themerlin1/www/themes/zpmobile/functions.php on line 189

    jqm_printMenusLinks called from include (image.php [127])

    from include (index.php [129])

    from index.php [28]

    the problem began after zenphoto have asked me to clear the table in phpmyadmin options and use the database backup
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    the problem began after zenphoto have asked me to clear the table in phpmyadmin options and use the database backup
    How do you mean Zenphoto asked you to do that?

    Regarding the notice, the function.php of zpMobiel does use the constant on line 189 actually and it is from 1.4.6. But even if that is not related to the gallery title and description.

    Sorry, no real idea right now.
  • it is like the database did not record the title and description,
    I checked with other zenhoto themes but it 's the same, nothing appears
  • Zenphoto has detected files that were changed and told to start the installation .
    When installing a message said the options table had a problem and needed to erase and restart the installation to recreate the table and since I have this problem .
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Yes, it looks like it does not record it. But the question is why. Is the table really re-created?

    Maybe try a fresh install with a fresh database if you can. HAppens occasionally that a database corrupts as well.

    Btw, the file warnings might be just warnings when the file times are off. Happens if you don't upload everything in one go or it takes longer because of the connection.
  • it is possible that the database is corrupt. when reinstalling , he posted a much smaller number of images in the overview page and then handed the normal number when I refreshed the database

    thank you for your help , I'll install again on an empty database
  • new zenphoto 1.4.8 , empty database and even more problems than before.

    no title , no description , and a site that no longer works on Google Chrome

    another suggestion ?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    There is something really not normal going on on your server. Any new errors in the logs and especially the server PHP log as that might have more than the ZP logs. Also do you have a link?
  • sorry, I did not understand , you want a link to my site?

    i have many error

    WARNING: fpassthru() has been disabled for security reasons in /srv/filer02/themerlin1/www/zp-core/setup/setup_pluginOptions.php on line 58

    USER ERROR: MySQL Error: ( INSERT INTO `[prefix]images` (`filename`, `albumid`, `show`, `mtime`, `width`, `height`) VALUES ('zebu-troupeau-wallpaper.jpg', '21', '0', '1385133915', '1024', '768') ) failed. MySQL returned the error Duplicate entry 'zebu-troupeau-wallpaper.jpg-21' for key 'filename' in /srv/filer02/themerlin1/www/zp-core/functions-db-MySQL.php on line 68

    trigger_error called from query (functions-db-MySQL.php [68])

    from PersistentObject->save (classes.php [359])

    from PersistentObject->load (classes.php [310])

    from PersistentObject->instantiate (classes.php [94])

    from Image->__construct (class-image.php [152])

    from newImage (class-image.php [52])

    from AlbumBase->sortImageArray (class-album.php [1059])

    from Album->getImages (class-album.php [1324])

    from AlbumBase->getAlbumThumbImage (class-album.php [451])

    from printAlbumThumbImage (template-functions.php [1689])

    from include (index.php [37])

    from include (index.php [129])

    from index.php [28]
    fpassthru called from setup_pluginOptions.php [58]
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Hm, never encountered any reports about these before. The warning shows that some probably overly strict security settings on your server interfere. My live server is also quite strict set by its host but never showed that. So far we never had any report related to that.

    The mysql one is surely a up of setup not running correctly.

    I would suggest to contact your host about that.
  • I'll leave it like that for now .

    I currently transferring the site to another host and it works perfectly so you 're probably right , the problem is with the host
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