Search is not setting the correct order

I have problems with search settings. I use 'Title' in the options page to set the sort order but the result is not in any visible order. I'm using 1.4.7 but it appears to be the same with 1.4.8 on my test system. If I change it to 'filename' it is more what I expect but the title is what really counts for me. And I tried it with some of the standard themes where the result is the same. Check on , use one of the Tags and see that it does not order by the displayed title.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Search actually displays by weight and not any fixed order on the case of images and news articles.

    That weight is from all enabled search fields. Which do you have enabled?
  • tw2003 Member
    Content, Description, Tags and Title are enabled. I have pictures where only the title differs but the rest is the same. Shouldn't they be displayed side by side? And if search displays by weight why is 'Filename' in 'Sort Images by' working better? I have the feeling that 'Title' is somehow getting ignored.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If I click on "mercedes-benz" on the tag clound on the left I do get a lot of entries for that. What is wrong with that actually?

    The difference between title and filename is in any case that titles are multilingual (although on a fixed term like Mercedes Benz that doesn't matter).

    I cannot exclude that there is a bug in the search engine stuff but I cannot answer without further investigation as I didn't code all that stuff originally. Sadly I am lacking a bit the time to do such an investigation right now. Please open a ticket so it doesn't get lost.
  • tw2003 Member
    The search result itself is ok (all tagged pictures have been found) but I supposed that the sorting of the result wolud be applied according to the settings in the Options - Search. I will open a ticket for it. Thanks for taking some time to investigate.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sure, of course we want it to work as expected.
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