Not sure if this is already a feature however I would like an option to limit the sub album name length and even the image name length in the gallery views so that a consistent number of thumbnails is shown on each page and each thumbnail is the same size.
In your theme folder (themes > effervescence_plus) locate the album.php file.
Change line 118 from
`<?php printAlbumTitle(); ?>`
`<?php echo shortenContent(getAlbumTitle(), 20, '...'); ?>`
Where "20" is the length of the title and "..." is de shorten indicator.
For example
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit
Lorem ipsum dolor si...
(20 characters + ...)
You can change the "..." to anything you like or leave it out completely.
The code would then look like this:
`<?php echo shortenContent(getAlbumTitle(), 20); ?>`
So yes, experiment with it ;-)
What I am after is to just shorten 1st layer sub album title when displayed in the gallery under the thumbnail so that all the thumbnails display on the page neatly. If it is possible to display the full title in the breadcrumbs at the top once selected that would be a bonus.
My only other alternative is to shorten the folder names.
Sorry but I just dont know the make up of the program enough and firebug is not helping me identify the area to change like you suggested which I am sure is the correct way to do it.
I think you are not using the correct naming convention.
I am now getting this error
Warning: Missing argument 3 for shortenContent(), called in /home10/sungazer/public_html/ on line 75 and defined in /home10/sungazer/public_html/ on line 169
`<?php echo shortenContent(getAlbumTitle(), 20, '...'); ?>`
This puts `...` after each shortened title.
If you don't want any shorten indicator after each shortened title use this:
`<?php echo shortenContent(getAlbumTitle(), 20, ''); ?>`
If albums are not showing they may be unpublished unless you are loggedin when you would see all. In any case always review your error logs if you think something is strange.