Hi, I´m new to zen after more than a decade of using Gallery 2 & Gallery 3.
I have installed zen, however all the themes I have tried seem to be designed to display relatively small images, perhaps 600 pixels wide.
I want to have a gallery which displays large images 1300x867 pixels. I realise one can show the image on its own but I want these large images to be displayed with a next button so viewers can flick through images at their own speed. Plus I want the links to homepage etc to be displayed with each of the big images.
With the default basic theme my images are aligned with the left side in the middle of my screen ( when viewed with a high res screen )
http://www.webbaviation.co.uk/zen/England/Norfolk/Thurne_Windmill_Norfolk_jc18286.jpgThe background containing the next buttons, links and text is all scrunched into the middle of the screen.
What I want it to look like is this:-
http://www.webbaviation.co.uk/gallery/v/wales/anglesey/menaibridge/MenaiBridge-ic33026.jpg.htmlCan I achieve that with zen? If so any pointers as to how? I have looked through lots of themes and showcase galleries but seen nothing like what I am trying to achieve.
The album pages are similarly affected. I want to display rows containing 5 300 pixel wide images but instead the most I get are 2 rows of 290 pixels or just a single row of 300 pixel wide images.
Its as if zen is designed for screens with 800 x 600 resolution but I am trying to optimise for a screen of 1920 x 1200
Any help much appreciated.
You will have to be familiar with HTML and CSS and have a basic understanding of PHP.
Start with reading the theming tutorial.
I made a copy of the basic theme with my own name on it.
The relevant change was in the "styles " folder where there was a css file for each option. Im using the dark colour scheme so the change was in "dark.css"
I opened this in wordpad. On the first line at the top was the code "width: 685px;" which I changed to 1600. I then saved it all, uploaded my new theme, adjusted the settings and activated it.
I now have a 1300 pixel image looking ok on the page-
It looks fine on my 1920 pixel screen and on my ipad. No doubt it will be terrible on old monitors but I am planning for the future.
I will no doubt tinker with other things. My next major step is to get the album thumbnails to display in rows of 5 300 pixel images as currently they seem to be limited to two rows of 295 pixels. The page looks right so no doubt there is some sort of table width setting which I am now hunting for.
In the theme's options you can set `Thumb size`, `thumbnails per row` and `thumbnails per page`.
You only have to figure out which `Thumb size` is appropriate for your 1600px total width because the thumbs have margins and paddings.
And change the width of `.album` in `dark.css`.
I found the relevant bit about half way into dark.css -
/* Image Thumbnails
------------------------------ */
#images {
float: left;
width: 650px;
Changing the 650 to 1700 produced the desired result. Having already set the theme options to 5 in a row it now works and I have a row of 5 290 pixel width thumbnails which is just want I wanted.
In `index.php`: line 37
`<?php printAlbumThumbImage(getAnnotatedAlbumTitle()); ?>`
`<?php printCustomAlbumThumbImage(getAnnotatedAlbumTitle(), NULL, 290, NULL, 290, 175); ?>`
and do the same in `album.php`: line 40
Here the first "290" is the width.
The second "290" is the "cropwidth" (this means that the width is not cropped)
And "175" is the "cropheight".
Of course change the numbers as you like.
See also the functions documentation.
My gallery is ordered
Country / master album > region / sub album > full large images.
Im out of time now but will have a further tinker with it tomorrow.
So far everything is going OK and I like Zen, its cool
To also get all image thumbnails the same size change line 57 in `album.php`
`<?php printImageThumb(getAnnotatedImageTitle()); ?>`
`<?php printCustomSizedImage(getAnnotatedImageTitle(), NULL, 290, NULL, 290, 175, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, true); ?>`