Sorting not working

Hey all,

I just updated to the latest build and I'm using the default theme.

Now, my albums aren't sorting as I want. Regardless of what I select (ID, filemtime, Date, etc), they all list in alphabetical order. Decending and Ascending does what it should do, A-Z and Z-A. However, it's like the gallery has totally ignored any of the publishing time information.

Any ideas?


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    We just recently tested that a lot and it is working as expected besides a fiew quibbles with multilingual field (title) sorting. Those are just fixed in the support build hopefully

    Make sure that neither browser cache plays tricks on your and also you are not using the html cache while being not loggedin. Then of course changes will not take effect until the cache is cleared.

    Not sure what you mean with the "publishing time information". The publishdate field is NOT the info when it was published. That is for scheduled publishing only.
  • I don't know what's going on, maybe it's depreciated functions or something, but I have quite a list of things not doing anything at all:

    - Sorting doesn't give a stuff.
    - Depreciated checkboxes in the plugin do nothing.
    - Thumbs are auto resizing to 100x100px (when I have it set to 288).
    - Only 6 thumbs per page, I have it set to 60.

    Those are just a few problems.

    Also, can I ask in regards to the database (i'm looking in phpmyadmin), should there be multiple cases of albumimagesort, albums_per_page etc? I have around 6 albums_per_page all with different id's and I'm not sure if that's even right?

    I'm not sure if something is up with my database or what, but it's extremely frustrating.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I think you are indeed suffering from a database issue. There is only one albums_per_page, image size etc.

    To have images per page working you need to also set image per row matching to that. This is not really intuitive for some occasions as also the css layout of the site must match (which it wouldn't if you use a responsive grid for example).

    However sorting options exists for the gallery in total or individual for albums.

    One note to this:
    Thumbs are auto resizing to 100x100px (when I have it set to 288).

    Just to note: Of course you need to clear the image cache before you see any any changes. Also your theme may set sizes on the files itself then this setting will naturally not have any affect at all (the Zenpage theme for example does this for layout reasons)
  • What I've done is left my default theme the same and just uploaded the zp-core and index.php file. I double checked the sizing and it shouldn't be any different.

    I think the database is causing the majority of the problems. I'll see how I go.

    If it doesn't work, I'm pretty sure I'll just revert back to the old installation I had.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I would try to setup a new database and import the existing. On upgrading you should of course also upgrade themes. For example the default theme is named basic now (over a year actually).

    As mentioned on the install/upgrade page you should avoid big jumps at least on live sites. Test with a mirror first.

    Sure you can use an old version if you like. We will not be able to provide support then sadly.
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