I am news to this program, this is really the best gallery software i used.
I just do not understand how to use related_items.
I activated the plugin but how does it work?
I would like to be able to display images in my news pages when the name of this image is mentionned, can it be done wit this extension and how?
You have to modify your theme and place the function `printRelatedItems()` where you want the related items to show. Set the parameters as you need them. As described the plugin prints a list of related items based on the tags assigned to them and the current item. No.
I see on my news page tags: sunshine
when i click on it brings me to the search page with the picture BUT i would much prefer to have pictures displayed on my news page as thumbnails
On the news page I have :
<?php if (function_exists('printRelatedItems')) { ?><div class="block"><?php printRelatedItems(5,'news',null,null,'news'); ?></div>
I tried to replace 'news' by 'images' and it does nothing....
In fact i still don't have any idea what this code is supposed to do... Is there a working example somewhere?
`printRelatedItems( 5, 'images', null, null, true, false );` would give you thumbs of images. Take a look here maybe: http://www.zenphoto.org/news/how-to-read-the-zenphoto-functions-guide
The function interally uses a search to get the items. So search must have "tags" and images results enabled. (Options > Search)
A working example although a bit customized you see on our site below every article.
Description, tags, title
but i see nothing coming close to "images results enabled"....
do you think i should had something to the file news.php located in the Zenpage folder?
Yes, clicking on a tag link will get search results.
as far as i know it is just normal that the search pages opens.
But it should not be opened empty.
If you click on a tag that is named for example *animals' the search page should open and show all results containing the tag 'animals'.