printLatestNews replacement???

Upgrading all my stuff and I'm running into this issue. Would love to be able to have a direct replacement.

Currently using it like this...LOVE this feature.

`<?php printLatestNews ( 10,'with_latest_albums','',true,true,50,false ); ?>`

Please help,


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    `printLatestNews` still exists for latest articles. However the CombiNews mode of the Zenpage CMS plugin is history since 1.4.6 so `with_latest_album` does not work anymore.

    This has technical reasons as it was hardly maintainable since gallery items and Zenpage items are technically separate.

    If you need latest albums or images within your articles you sadly have to use the galleryArticles plugin. That will create articles for the albums or images.

    For the RSS feed that had the same option you can use the mergedRSS feed plugin to create a (one only) combined RSS feed. You could technically mimic the old CombiNews feature by parsing and displaying this feed, too.
  • In updating more sites I've noticed that the code above is working on one site...but not on the one referenced here...any ideas why it might work on one and not the other?

    Works here (under news on right): (un-checking printLatestNews in the list of functions so error wouldn't display)

    But here - exact same code nothing displays (under news on left)...(haven't unchecked yet)

    Any help is appreciated. Moved to a new server since I was having issues with my config files getting corrupted - clients were getting annoyed...I'm hoping new server helps with issue. I know all my sites are much faster so far.

    Anyway thanks for any help, I'm hoping it's a simple configuration difference.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    un-checking printLatestNews in the list of functions so error wouldn't display
    If you refer to the deprecated functions plugin list, yes, that will make the warning go aways (which is the purpose of the deprecated functions plugin).

    But in any case you should update the function call as the warning tells because once it is remove it will be a real error.
  • But why would it be working on one site and not on the other?
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    I cannot say from here. There must be a difference between the two sites. Anyway, the proper fix is to update the function calls used.
  • So there is no other way to display the latest news/albums as I am now? I'm not using CombiNews - even with latest albums removed it's still throws an error...

    I'm not wanting a new article when a gallery is created...just want to display a snippet of the latest gallery and or news...
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    As I said above already you cannot show combined latest news and albums/images anymore. You of course can display latest albums/images separately using functions from the the image_album_statistics plugin.
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