I like very much the Libratus theme, except for one thing: I would like to remove the slide show on the home page and replace it with a static page, like the Albums page or eventually a News page. Any quick tips on how to do that?
Thank you, that's exactly what I needed. I will probably reuse the photo rotation code within some folders, but not on the main page. Apart from personal preferences, there is a bug that allows the script to display photos from published but password-protected albums too, even for unlogged users.
You should file that bug either on the theme's repository. Or if it happens generally with the image_album_stats plugin on the Zenphoto repository itself. I have a far memory that we had fixed sometime that image stats showed images it shoudn't.
That fix does stop the slideshow however it doesn't really display a proper picture...instead only a couple inches of a random picture again. Have you guys figured out how to keep the original feel to the webpage, but just keep it one static picture of your choosing?
In the theme's `index.php` change this part:
<?php if ($_zp_page == 1) { ?>
<?php } else { ?><?php
$images = getImageStatistic(5,getOption('libratus_ss_type'),getOption('libratus_ss_album'),true);
foreach ($images as $image) {
echo '<li>';
$html = 'getCustomImage(1200,null,null,null,null,null,null,true))) . '" alt="' . html_encode($image->getTitle()) . '" />';
echo zp_apply_filter('custom_image_html', $html, false);
echo '';
} ?>
<?php } ?>
to just this:
Then in the theme options select that album as Home Slideshow from Album.