on Zenphoto version 1.4.11 [26c78176cf], zpminimal.
when user logout from a protect album (password + nonpublic album + nonpublic images),
he is landing on the "fromlogout-page", but with *just* one password-field and a prompt shouts, to "login, the side you want to see is password-protected" - btw.: because oft the "missing" userfield, its not possible to login and on the other hand the user just logged out (...)
so, I think, its the wrong exit, caused by this password-protection of this album?
(but when I skip that, the fully album protection is gone ... the empty album will become visible)
If the user logged out from a public album or image, he stay on the same side and just this "zp__admin_module" disappears silently. Thats good.
Does anybody knows a more peachy exit for the protect situation?
Best the same than from the public album?
where I can have more effect on the zp-intern album-bound (login/logout) navigation?
Just little things like
not ending up on
but straight on
page/gallery or stay on the last side or ...
another small thing:
in this pulldown-zp__admin_module-navigation on top of the side, I would like to disable the "Album"-link below the username, because he can't edit any album.
may be give an id to the ``?
best regards,
2) The admintoolbox - as we call it - you are referring to actually shows only the links the currently logged in user has rights to. So if the album link is show he must have some sort of album rights.
Please for overview reasons don't mix several questions in on topic. Better open separate ones, it gets easily a bit confusing on answers.
I changed the the login.php in line 12 with
printPasswordForm(NULL, true, false, '?p=gallery');
instead of printUserLogin_out('','',true);
so now after logout I always end up in the gallery-index.
> The admintoolbox the currently logged in user has rights to. ...
> ... some sort of album rights.
I can't see, where the rights come from.
The user is comming in by a group and there
are the only two hooks for "managed albums":
x SecretAlbum 0 edit rights x see nonpublic entries
(but I can't dismark them, because the SecretAlbum would be hidden)
But that's not too important anymore, because I might disable the admintoolbox (anyhow) for some users ...
The admin toolbox has various filters to add links to it but it cannot be disabled.