I noticed that regardless of what theme it is, zenphoto just seems to take a 100x100 thumbnail and resize it to what the theme thumbnail.
I actually want ZP to generate thumbnails in the cache folder that are more than 100x100, is there a way to do this?
Do you mean generate/pre-cache via the cacheManager then?
If your theme for example uses custom image sizes within the theme files and does not use these standard options, the backend and thus the cacheManager will not know about them. It will just use the standard options instead. So your themeoptions.php file needs to register the required custom sizes in ThemeOptions constructor like this:
if (class_exists('cacheManager')) {
$me = basename(dirname(__FILE__));
cacheManager::addThemeCacheSize($me, NULL, 580, 580, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, NULL, true);
Add further `cacheManager::addThemeCacheSize()` to cover all sizes you use in your theme. Parameters except the first follow the standard customsizedimage function parameters.
The Zenpage theme also provides an example
The Zenpage theme has 95x95px thumbs hardcoded with custom sized image functions and also does not use the standard options therefore. Which is why they are actually disabled for that theme normally.
You actually should have seen that if you modified the Zenpage theme as it uses that on its image page as well. It only works in image context, within the next_image loop or on the image page. Unless you set a specific image object to use.
There are also class methods. All available functions and class methods are listed here: http://www.zenphoto.org/documentation/elementindex.html