Trigger thumbs pre-cache from admin

Hi, In older versions, there was an possiblity to pre-cache all thumbnails for selected abulm using one button (image) in the admin's album list. Seems, that now it's gone. Is there any possibility to re-enable it, or it's replaced by something else ? If yes, by what ?

Many thanks.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    It is available via the cacheManager plugin. Not only thumbs but all default sizes. If you are using a custom theme with custom sizes coded on the theme you need to register the sizes.
  • Thank's Acrylian, I found that one, but that seems to run for whole gallery.. which contains nearly 11.000 imnages now.. so.. I simply can't run that at once :) Is there any possibility to run cacheing per-partes (per album), or this feature has been dropped, please ?

    Thank you.
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    There is still a cache button on each album edit page for that.
  • Not sure if I get it. Checking the admin - albums, edit.. but can see only "metadata refresh" in album list, which is not creating thumbs, but nothing about cache.. cache plugin is active, so could you please guide me, where to find it ?
  • OK, just found it, sorry. I need to open "edit multiple albums" to see the button, many thanks !
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Not sure what you mean, the button should be on the "single album edit page":
  • hmm, that's really strange - I don't have that right column there at all.

    Edit, ok - you pointed me, just found, som error thrown:

    b>Fatal error</b>: Invalid album instantiation

    That's why, let me check that.
  • So, I spent several hours to get the problem itself, and seems, that it's simply incompatibility with legacy data in database.

    zp_album.thumb was set without master folder path from older code, but newer expecting to has it in within path.

    OLD thumb: albumName/thumb.jpg
    NEW thumb: /2015/albumName/thumb.jpg
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Actually there should only be the `filename` set if the album thumb is set static from the album itself or `/subalbum(s)/filename` if from one of its subalbums.
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