I've tried several times to install this with no success. I have tried a manual install from your deployment files and from 123-reg's CGI packages.
Every time it comes up with a Fatal Error: Out of Memory error:
Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 4980736) (tried to allocate 49152 bytes) in ###/IEM/zp-core/class-search.php on line 1587
I have searched and followed advice on your forums and others sites. Because it's shared hosting I don't have access to the core php.ini but I have updated the .user.ini as suggested to override with the below settings:
max_execution_time = 60
upload_max_filesize = 1G
post_max_size = 1G
memory_limit = 256M
display_errors = 1
register_globals = 0
output_buffering = 0
Please help as ZenPhoto looks to be the only self hosted software system that mirrors what smugmug/zenfolio does without ordering which isn't an issue
We will need a bit more info for the start:
When exactly does this error occur?
Right on running setup?
Browsing the site?
What theme?
Do you already have albums and images within the root albums folder?
And if what number?
The issue occurs as soon as I open the site.
All the permissions when I installed myself were set to what was in the installation instructions, with the 123-reg CGI installation it should have been set correctly and looks correct based on the installation instructions.
I have not been able to browse the site yet, no theme is set and nothing has been uploaded. If I can I will email you a direct link
That sounds really weird as without any album/image content that part in the search engine has nothing to run out of memory actually…
You can contact us via the contact form on our site.
Many thanks