Feature suggestion : move albums in album view with buttons for phone

Hello! One feature I would really appreciate that I believe would be not to hard to implement is the gesture of letting me move albums up and down with a button if I mark them in album view.

Since I use manual order on my albums and travel with only a smartphone and camera (no computer) I've realized that dragging the albums doesn't work with my phone. To add a feature to always add the new album first instead of last would also be convenient.

Been with you four years with my site www.kusligt.org specializing in urban exploration photography which I if it buy a computer will start to translate into English.

/Mattias Sweden (currently travelling/backpacking southeast Asia on motorbike)


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Actually dragging should work on mobile as well. Just besides that our backend is not really responsive and that mobile friendly yet. That's coming in the future though.

    I fear I don't think we will add buttons for this. Things like this are not always that easy as it seems and so far this is the first time I hear about this issue. What phone and system are you using?
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