I am using getFullImageURL() in my templates to display the full sized image.
By default, this shows the original image from the /albums/ directory.
Checking the
cache full sized option in Admin > Option > image does not change this: the original image is still displayed (is this normal?).
Selecting the
protected view from the dropdown menu has the following effect:
The problem is that Google
does not like the "ugly" URL.
(the image link is broken)
These images thus cannot be indexed in Google images.
Is there a way to ensure that the cached image URL is displayed every time, even at first page load?
The descriptions tell you that this option does nothing unless the `protect full image` option is also set.
To pre-cache the full images you will need to add an image cache size to the cacheManager plugin and run the cache manager `cache the images` function. F0r the size part of the cache size simpley type
I have done the caching process on one website and it seemed to work fine.
Now waiting for Google to index the images.