I'm testing zenphoto and must say thank you for great work!
I had to edit some admin files to get extra image text field to always show and to hide others.
How do i really really get rid of the "files changed run setup" warning and the checking part ?!
The install is in secure place and locked - not public. So no need to install updates in the future. Even the critical ones.
But the edits were must.
Also second question, how to create & add translation (Finnish) ?
Zenphoto has implemented plugins and filters for this kind of need. You can probably accomplish what you want via the custom field plugin. If not then look at the `disableWatermark` plugin for an example of how to remove field items from the DOM.
If you were referring to themes that is something different. Those are meant to be modified to your personal liking by creating a copy/custom version if the default doesn't fit. However you of course have to see to follow all updates outside of that.
For adding translations please see the tutorial: http://www.zenphoto.org/news/translating-tutorial/
I need (my customer needs) the upload of images to be simple simple simple.
Like in this mockup: http://pasteboard.co/2enYRGInD.png
And with finnish fieldnames, in the pic still in english.
Like i said, the install wont be public so not so crucial to update.
How do i remove the checking of changed files ?
Well, the next server update or bug discoverd may cause you trouble. But as said do it on your own risk.
You cannot remove the changed file check unless you want to hack the core once more…
This is also a security measure. Even if your install is not public it does not mean it cannot be hacked. Those checks are in `zp-core/reconfigure.php` but be careful what you do there.