Hello to all,
I wish to give ideas of features to the software Zenphoto
- Panel(sign) of modern administration (
https://cdn.colorlib.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/gentelella-admin-template-preview.jpg )
- The theme BASIC of Zenphoto has to be responsive.
- Integration of advertising spaces since the interface administrator(director).
- Integration of a system of compression of the images during the download.
- Zenphoto has to be "SEO-Friendly".
- Creation of a system of payment PayPal (Purchase of photo)
Thank you very much of the intention which you go to bring to my suggestions
<blockquote- Creation of a system of payment PayPal (Purchase of photo)
Sorry, this will not happen. Online shops have a lot of legal requirements that differ from country to country - especially where I live - so such a "simple" payment way would turn out to be too much work for our small team to handle.
But you are welcome to create a third party plugins or themes if you think anything is missing.
Concerant vos doutes : - Publicité depuis l'interface administrateur :
L'administrateur peut inserer des scripts (adsense) pub depuis le panneau de controle.
-SEO friendly : En peut saisir la description du site, le titre, <h1> Headings Status, Image Alt.
- Ameliorer la vitesse du site : Image Expires Tag , Parfois en met des images lourdes sur serveur et l'idéal serai d'intergrer ces api ( https://www.apptha.com/blog/how-to-reduce-image-file-size-while-uploading-using-php-code/) (https://kraken.io/ ) ou (https://tinypng.com/developers)