making function and template changes

I got some custom work done on my zen website and it keeps replacing the new files with the originals.

Now, I realise afterwards that I should have told the person not to adjust any files within the zp-core folder but now, even if I put the files outside the zp-core folder and even rename and put them in in subfolders it will still delete or replace them.

So my question is how to make template changes and add functions the correct way so the system won't replace them or, if necessary, how do I turn the replacing off.

Thanks :-)


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    If anything is replacing and renaming files it is not Zenphoto. Zenphoto does not do that without your action and with only a few exceptions: Protection of setup files, modifying the config, htaccess and log files.

    You always have to upload the files yourself as described on our installation page for installation and updates.

    However if you are using some install script helper offered by your host it might do. But even that should not do it without your action. These scripts are not by us so only the vendor of them can answer. So what is happening on your site is not Zenphoto.

    As you realized you should never modify core files. If you need to modify a template you should make a copy of it under a new name and modify that. There you can add additional functions to the theme's functions.php. Alternatively you can create plugins to add extra functions.
  • Thanks for your help.

    I installed it from the cpanel with softaculous so will check if that is doing it.

    I'll read your user guide so I understand it more how the program works so stuff goes in the correct place.
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