i'm a error 503 when i'm order the image in admin
AH01067: Failed to read FastCGI header, referer:
http://www.*/zp-core/admin-albumsort.php?page=edit&album=equipes-continentales-pro/2015/colombia&tab=sort104)Connection reset by peer: AH01075: Error dispatching request to :, referer:
http://www.*/zp-core/admin-albumsort.php?page=edit&album=equipes-continentales-pro/2015/colombia&tab=sortPOST /zp-core/admin-albumsort.php?page=edit&album=equipes-continentales-pro/2015/colombia&saved&tab=sort HTTP/1.1
have you got an idea ?
See http://www.zenphoto.org/news/problems-with-albums-and-images/
A quick search also learns that it may be caused by several server configurations:
- the PHP APC extension (try switching it off)
- the PHP OPcache extension (try switching it off)
- the PHP memory_limit (try raising the limit)
All these can be found in your php.ini file
memory_limit 256M (Par défaut)
max_execution_time 120 (Par défaut)
max_input_time 60 (Par défaut)
post_max_size 50M (Par défaut)
upload_max_filesize 50M (Par défaut)
opcache.enable on (Par défaut)
In fact during the creation of the site in sub domain I had no worries. To go into production the site I changed the directory of the www by that of the subdomain without having to upload everything and it is since that I have the worries.
Would there be a variable to change in the setting?