I like to have mp3-soundfile in a list,
with this jQuery-player with some text put under
or beside each player.
(like on my old handcoded site)
By now, in ZenPhoto, I can play them only
mp3 by mp3 on single website (image.php),
whats in this case for me not necessary.
I would like to see the list in the album.php
Does anybody has an helping hand, who I can
effect that?
may be with an
if (isset($_GET['album']) AND $_GET['album'] == 'area/sound') ... ?
class-video, jplayer,
Zenphoto version 1.4.14
<?php while (next_image()):
if ($_zp_current_album->name == 'sound' ) {
} else {
" title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle(); ?>"><?php printImageThumb(getAnnotatedImageTitle()); ?>
<?php if (($zpmin_colorbox) && (!isImageVideo())) { ?>
" title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle(); ?>">
" title="<?php echo getBareImageTitle(); ?>">
<?php } ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
- Duplicate the theme's `album.php` and rename the duplicate to e.g. `album-playlist.php`.
- Enable the `jplayer` plugin and replace the `next_image` loop on `album-playlist.php` with `jplayer's` function `printjPlayerPlaylist()` (default is video and audio, see the plugin file itself for more info)
- Enable the `multiple_layouts` plugin and then select `album-playlist.php` for your audio album layout.
You might need some additional tweaking in CSS etc. to get what you like (not familiar with zp_mininmal).@fretzl
there seems to be some perils in the deeper code:
the tracks becomes nice listed in the form of Js-player,
but: only the first track becomes played.
And the description-text becomes not displayed between the Js-players.
also thank you -
the file "album-playlist.php" (readable & writeable) is not available,
under Utilities, just "album" is selectable for album- or image-layout,
but not the new file.
the sound album is a second-level-album beside 3 image-albums.
I just test the first-level album too with the pure matching new zp_mininmal -
without improvements. And I removed the hyphe from album-playlist.php, but ...
About @acrylian's solution:
Did you enable the `multiple_layouts` plugin and set the correct options?
However, you must set the default theme to `zpMinimal` otherwise `album-playlist.php` will not show up.
(cause I use that elder one with littel changes)
And some values stay somewhere in the cache: I empty the
Chromiun-cache, change the template, and there is still
a file from the prior template in albumlayout-select, which doesn't exist.
with the actual zpMinimal, I can select this sub-template-file,
but the result not that way I want - I see no list :-((
there is just *one* JS-Playtool. I want all of these about 10 mp3-files in a simple list, halted by the particular description-text.
And furthermore there is ab big "jp"-triangle, covering these one JS-Playtool.
how I get these single JS-Playtool+description for each file?
I don't use the themeSwitcher
I enable the multiple_layouts plugin and set both/all options (alb,. img.).
Note that descriptions are not shown in playlists.
a long way for me.
yes, I missed to check the jplayer's "Playlist support".
I still don't know, why the album-playlist.php wasn't listed in the album-utilities for a while. After checking all my default- and dublicate-Templates finaly it became listed even in my Templ.-copy. Fine.
#the main problem now is, to get the file-descriptions below every audio-title-link.
- that might be things to edit in the js-file?
#the second problem is, to eliminate the video-screen for audios.
- that might be a thing to edit in the css-file - but not basicly ...
Not sure what you mean with the video screen. You can also use the audio only playlist, the jplayer playlist function has an parameter option for that.
> ... with the video screen
e.g. div.jp-jplayer oder div#jquery_jplayer_703 { display: none; }
doesn't work because it eleminates the list too, not only the "screen".
(video-)screen-space & list belongs together
I can't find a parameter option in the jplayer-plugin for "audio only playlist". When I drain the css, it still keeps the empty screen-space on top of the list.
Now I'v a nearly practicable solution:
First: that made it smaller, yes
just the list without video place holder.
Than I put all the description into the Title (up to 150-... letters).
I can't html-format / -hightlight single words, but its ok.
&its multilanguage too.
regards, eli
there ist no no-javascript-fallback.
Than no single file is available.
without Js, you use sytem-own software. Sure, most are coming with Js on - not me.
I imagined, because of the check for "allow downloading" in jPlayer-plugin, it would be available for a pure download too ...
I made an <noscript> info now.
may be, I can deliver at a later stage, a simple list ... in this "thumbs-wrap"