No extra album theme pages available

hi again,

I'm sitting for more than 4 hours ... and:
"No extra album theme pages available"
I become crazy!!!

Why happens that? Now with the online-Zp-version with
Zenphoto version 1.4.14

# Is there any any point, where Zp want to write on files and there are some spec. rights needed??
(I think, there are PHP-user and 644)

I duplicate the theme's album.php
enabled jplayer plugin and the multiple_layouts plugin
but I can't select album-playlist.php ;.-(
Every of the defaut Templates I gave his own spec. album-playlist.php too, but even those don't give the option to choose something else then "album.php".

seems to me like as a real faithless extra-album-feature ...
because before in offline tests I had similar unexplainabilities??

does anybody has a hand?

is there any straight way to say Zp, there is an album-playlist.php?



  • the "album-playlist" doesn't find the way in a databasetable.
    Offline its here, once:
    33597 multiple_layouts_albums 703 album-playlist.php...
    but not in the online-tables.

    and btw: online I've 2 more plugins:

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Did you enable "album layouts" on the multiple_layouts plugin's options? Without that being enable they will not be recognized (that's to lower load on file checks you don't need).
  • yes, both, for album an images.

    sorry - the album-extention is soo fragil - or in this case, Zp is to complex, not stable enought!
    My milk burned twice.

    "Now" Zp is running good, but two ??funny?? things / questions left:

    #on one hand, the first-level-album ist losing the second (playlist) by time, after I saved the album,
    #the other is, that playlist became a time displayed on the *first* album-side too, below the albumlist, =:-() where explicit nothing is told about printjPlayerPlaylist() (on the side album.php) - even if I set every album on "album.php".

    In the backend, "Utilities > 'Select album layout' ", the file album-playlist.php is marked as "inheritid"(??funny??). That might be an error here? From where get ZP this info? I can't find any assigning cache: there is the image-cache. The html- is empty, ...? I empty the browser-cache and it happens with ff and chromium.

    I de- and reactivate all plugins, without success. (Sec. bad: all the titles of the audio-files are gone. By reactivating, Zp generates them new from the files. That wasn't questioned or needed?)

    "But" the displaying of the playlist below *first* albumlist was been only on my online-side, not offline with the same files. May be there a file write/read-requirements?

    Without the fillings of printjPlayerPlaylist("playlist-audio", "folder1/folder2"),
    like that: printjPlayerPlaylist(), Zp stopped displaying the list on the wrong place of album.php (folder1), but is still calling the album-playlist.php-file (??funny??), recognisable by a little text-flag

    on the playlist, the last item-title is on the left one space engaged.

    man, man ,man ...
    took so mutch time ...

    regards, eli
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    Sorry for your trouble, I cannpt reproduce any issues with the multiple_layouts plugin itself. But we of course don't know what exactly you modified how and where on your theme (nor do I remember what theme you are using at all). Sometimes details make a difference. Some of your trouble we could only help with by reviewing your code. That level of support exceeds a bit the possibilites of the this forum as you might understand.
    #on one hand, the first-level-album ist losing the second (playlist) by time, after I saved the album,
    Sorry, I don't understand.
    the file album-playlist.php is marked as "inheritid"(??funny??). That might be an error here? From where get ZP this info?
    No error. A subalbum inherits the layout of its parent album if no specific layout is chosen. Does not have to do anything with any caches.
    (Sec. bad: all the titles of the audio-files are gone. By reactivating, Zp generates them new from the files. That wasn't questioned or needed?)
    Also normal behaviour. Zenphoto is file system based and updates the database with the file system albums. If you deactivate plugins that add support for specific file types, you loose support for these so Zenphoto removes them from the database. If you then enable them again, you again have support for these files so Zenphoto adds them new and reads their meta data. That's how it works as if you manually would remove images from the folders.
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