hi again,
I'm sitting for more than 4 hours ... and:
"No extra album theme pages available"
I become crazy!!!
Why happens that? Now with the online-Zp-version with
Zenphoto version 1.4.14
# Is there any any point, where Zp want to write on files and there are some spec. rights needed??
(I think, there are PHP-user and 644)
I duplicate the theme's album.php
enabled jplayer plugin and the multiple_layouts plugin
but I can't select album-playlist.php ;.-(
Every of the defaut Templates I gave his own spec. album-playlist.php too, but even those don't give the option to choose something else then "album.php".
seems to me like as a real faithless extra-album-feature ...
because before in offline tests I had similar unexplainabilities??
does anybody has a hand?
is there any straight way to say Zp, there is an album-playlist.php?
Offline its here, once:
33597 multiple_layouts_albums 703 album-playlist.php...
but not in the online-tables.
and btw: online I've 2 more plugins:
sorry - the album-extention is soo fragil - or in this case, Zp is to complex, not stable enought!
My milk burned twice.
"Now" Zp is running good, but two ??funny?? things / questions left:
#on one hand, the first-level-album ist losing the second (playlist) by time, after I saved the album,
#the other is, that playlist became a time displayed on the *first* album-side too, below the albumlist, =:-() where explicit nothing is told about printjPlayerPlaylist() (on the side album.php) - even if I set every album on "album.php".
In the backend, "Utilities > 'Select album layout' ", the file album-playlist.php is marked as "inheritid"(??funny??). That might be an error here? From where get ZP this info? I can't find any assigning cache: there is the image-cache. The html- is empty, ...? I empty the browser-cache and it happens with ff and chromium.
I de- and reactivate all plugins, without success. (Sec. bad: all the titles of the audio-files are gone. By reactivating, Zp generates them new from the files. That wasn't questioned or needed?)
"But" the displaying of the playlist below *first* albumlist was been only on my online-side, not offline with the same files. May be there a file write/read-requirements?
Without the fillings of printjPlayerPlaylist("playlist-audio", "folder1/folder2"),
like that: printjPlayerPlaylist(), Zp stopped displaying the list on the wrong place of album.php (folder1), but is still calling the album-playlist.php-file (??funny??), recognisable by a little text-flag
on the playlist, the last item-title is on the left one space engaged.
man, man ,man ...
took so mutch time ...
regards, eli