I often have this warning in my debug log.
I can't figure where is the matter.
Do you have an idea?
WARNING: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/avbo7291/public_html/zenphoto/themes/zpArdoise/inc_header.php:8) in /home/avbo7291/public_html/zenphoto/zp-core/functions-common.php on line 499
setcookie called from zp_setCookie (functions-common.php [499])
from getUserLocale (functions-i18n.php [444])
from htmlmetatags::getHTMLMetaData (html_meta_tags.php [183])
from call_user_func_array (unknown)
from zp_apply_filter (functions-filter.php [149])
from include (inc_header.php [9])
from include (pages.php [3])
from include (index.php [130])
from index.php [28]
the line 8 of inc_header.php is the following, as other official themes (like zenpage):
// force UTF-8 Ø
if (!defined('WEBPATH')) die();
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="<?php echo getOption('charset'); ?>">
<?php zp_apply_filter('theme_head'); ?>
For sure, I can clearing all my cookies, but I can't do that for all my vistors.
This message is in english, so I suspect my vistor to not be me :-)
Btw, I have some messages in french, some en english.
I will take a look but never saw this as far as I remember. Is there any locale printed in the charset meta?
I'd compare that entry with the webserver's access logs to see what was being called when that happened.
I haven't seen this one myself.
I usually get some warning about ADMIN_RIGHTS not being defined.
If could be usefull, I can hack zenphoto core files to log something in debug log but you have to point me in the right direction.
NOTICE: Undefined index: path in /home/avbo7291/public_html
zenphoto/zp-core/zp-extensions/dynamic-locale.php on line 92
printLanguageSelector called from include (inc_header.php [240])
from include (404.php [1])
from include (404.php [43])
from include (index.php [135])
from index.php [28]
It the first case, there is some issue with the initial establishment of the language. So when getHEMLMetaData calls getUserLocale() the latter thinks it needs to set the locale cookie, but it is too late in the process as the theme has already started output. (ZenPhoto20 no longer uses this flawed implementation of getUserLocale().)
The second error implies that parse_url() did not return a path item. I really don't know how that is possible, thus it would be nice to see the actual url that was used.