In my new theme, I want to allow a specific album as a slider on the home page.
In my themeoptions.php, I want to manage if this album name exists or not.
I am probably tired, but my code doesn't work as usual, and I don't know why: I have an error when I test if the album is an object (line 6 of the following code).
can you help me to solve my issue?
I would really appreciate.
function getOptionsSupported() {
$msg = '';
$zpB_homepage_album_filename = getOption('zpB_homepage_album_filename');
if (!empty($zpB_homepage_album_filename)) {
$album = newAlbum($zpB_homepage_album_filename);
if (!is_object($album) || !$album->exists) {
$msg = '
' . gettext('You need to provide a valid Album filename.') . '
return array(
gettext('Homepage') => array('order' => 0, 'key' => 'zpB_homepage', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX, 'desc' => gettext_th("Display a home page, with a slider of 5 random picts, the gallery description and the latest news.", 'zpBootstrap')),
gettext('Use this album for homepage slider') => array(
'order' => 2,
'key' => 'zpB_homepage_album_filename',
'multilingual' => 0,
'desc' => gettext_th('Album file name for the homepage slider: enter the full filename of the Album to use for the homepage slider. If empty, the whole gallery will be used for the slider.', 'zpBootstrap') . $msg),
gettext('Random pictures for homepage slider') => array('order' => 4, 'key' => 'zpB_homepage_random_pictures', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_TEXTBOX, 'multilingual' => 0, 'desc' => gettext_th('Number of random pictures to use for the homepage slider.', 'zpBootstrap')),
gettext('Archive View') => array('order' => 12, 'key' => 'zpB_show_archive', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX, 'desc' => gettext_th("Display a link to the Archive list.", 'zpBootstrap')),
gettext('Tags') => array('order' => 14, 'key' => 'zpB_show_tags', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX, 'desc' => gettext_th("Check to show a tag cloud in Archive list, with all the tags of the gallery.", 'zpBootstrap')),
gettext('Exif') => array('order' => 16, 'key' => 'zpB_show_exif', 'type' => OPTION_TYPE_CHECKBOX, 'desc' => gettext_th("Show the EXIF Data on Image page. Remember you have to check EXIFs data you want to show on options>image>information EXIF.", 'zpBootstrap'))
You want `if (!is_object($album) && !$album->exists) {`
You probably were tired:)
but no, it doesn't solve the issue
if I use your code, I have this error in my deggug log:
{712604:Mon, 24 Jul 2017 16:07:01 GMT} Zenphoto v1.4.14[f5b47da52feacae4e5e081b977e60ee0b2fe1bc5]
USER ERROR: Invalid album instantiation: images/images-home-page.a does not exist. in /home/avbo7291/public_html/zenphoto_test/zp-core/class-album.php on line 1221
trigger_error called from Album->_albumCheck (class-album.php [1221])
from Album->__construct (class-album.php [1192])
from newAlbum (class-album.php [25])
from ThemeOptions->getOptionsSupported (themeoptions.php [57])
from admin-options.php [2518]
$album = newAlbum($zpB_homepage_album_filename, false, true);
if (!is_object($album) || !$album->exists) {
$msg = '
' . gettext('You need to provide a valid album filename.') . '
it seems to be enougth for my basic tests in admin theme options.