hi acrylian
I have a problem
Zenphoto 1.4.14 is the version i'm using
While page load speed analysis, the result showed that the index.php and album.php page (NOT image.php) images are being redirected:
I.E. redirect from GTmetrix for an album image:
http://domain/zen-folder/zp-core/i.php?a=folder&i=DSC_0019%20%287%29.jpg&cw=0&ch=0&q=75&t=1&wmk=%21&check=sسئوآموزش gtmetrixeb5aa331de8cfa9b75b97bfb1df05ce8ad5eb2f7to
http://domain/zen-folder/albums/folder/DSC_0019 (7).jpgIs this suppose to occur? If not, any idea what the cause may be? I have added my own theme. just looking for a place to start the search
If album thumbs are set to random that happens often on index and album pages with subalbums as on any reload a new image is picked. If that is uncached this kind of url is used.