There is a problem with the positioning of the Favourites selector when I add a detailed description to my albums. The easiest way to demonstrate is by this link. Events/you will need to log in with 'test-user' & test123
you will then be able to see how the 'favourites' position is affected by the album description text.
I'm not sure if this is problem needs to be corrected within the theme or the plug-in (I suspect it should be within the plug-in)
Any ideas?
Normal visitors won't see it anyway
In your theme folder find style.css and add these lines to the bottom.
.album .albumsFavorites_add {
position: absolute;
top: -10px;
left: -10px;
.album .tagSuggestContainer {
display: block;
This way you can at least access the button and textfield.
Note that any changes to standard themes will be lost with updates.
I understand about losing the changes, but I have copied the theme and I am using the copy to make and test changes. However, this problem happens with the the un-modified theme which is the one in use at the moment.
- Undo the previous change.
- In the same file (style.css):
-- remove line 465 (height: 95px;)
-- remove line 488 (height: 90px;)
-- add this somewhere in the file:
.album:nth-child(even) {
clear: both;
Be sure to check how it looks when you're not logged in.
A few things to note:
The theme is simply designed up to deal with such long album/image titles.
A better way would be to use the description field which is truncated at 45 characters...and to use shorter titles.
Anyway, glad to see you're at it ;-)
The gallery is private, so nobody would see any 'Favourite' options unless they log in.
I will look at shortening the titles, but would prefer not to.
Yes, the new changes seem to have made a difference.
I've no doubt I'll be back soon in a new topic with more questions
Let's start fresh with the original style.css file and only remove lines 465 and 488.