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it seems that Overview/Cache manager/Cache stored images doesn't work.
I add a picture in a news with tinyMCE zenpage plugin, but the link remains : <a class="zenpage_imagelink" title="IMG TITLE" href="/index.php?album=ALBUM_NAME&image=IMAGE_NAME.jpg">
after using Cache stored images, the link to the picture should have been <a class="zenpage_imagelink" title="IMG TITLE" href="/albums/ALBUM_NAME/IMAGE_NAME.jpg">
We will try to reproduce that. Are you sure you didn't html cache? That should not happen if there are uncached images but it's all kind of workaround.
There are plans to use a shortcode for image embedding in the future to avoid such cache/non cache image issues and these kind of workaround. Drawback will be there will be no preview within the editor.
the steps to reproduce:
choose "Custom thumbnail" with a custom size that is not in cache, with "link to image"
I have a look on the code, as example:
<p><a class="zenpage_imagelink" title="Empire State Building" href="/index.php?album=20170505-voyage-new-york-city&image=img_9030.jpg"><img class="zenpage_customimage" src="/zp-core/i.php?a=20170505-voyage-new-york-city&i=img_9030.jpg&check=e863e23c18be20b3d55752a6a2842f2ee38cec86&s=252&wmk=!" alt="Empire State Building" /></a></p>
after backup of the news, look on code, as example:
<p><a class="zenpage_imagelink" title="Empire State Building" href="/index.php?album=20170505-voyage-new-york-city&image=img_9030.jpg"><img class="zenpage_customimage" src="/cache/20170505-voyage-new-york-city/img_9030_252.jpg" alt="Empire State Building" /></a></p>
the image url has been cached, but not the link in the
link.the rewrite of the
link works if I choose "link to full image" (in that case I have this link<a class="zenpage_fullimagelink" title="Empire State Building" href="/albums/20170505-voyage-new-york-city/img_9030.jpg" rel="colorbox">[...]</a>
).the rewrite of the
link don't work if I choose "link to album" (in that case I have this link<a class="zenpage_albumlink" title="Voyage à New York" href="/index.php?album=20170505-voyage-new-york-city">[...]</a>
).and in two cases, Overview/Cache manager/Cache stored images have no effect on the links.
You are confusing me. After what you describe everything is working correctly.
You are not talking about cache image but album and image page links instead. These links have nothing to do with the cache manager or any cache and it is not suppose to change those links.
tinyZenpage is being reworked anyway and as mentioned in the future we probbaly will use an image shortcode instead of actual html in inserting to avoid any issue with cache image or rewrite/non rewrite urls. If your server is using rewritten links a click on such link should redirect to the rewritten url (which is the point of rewriting).
ends on as it is supposed to.
In any case I will not work on this in 1.x anymore.
what "Overview/Cache manager/Cache stored images" is supposed to do ?
I can read that:
What is a processor URI?
Yes, and what it apparently does judging from your example. Only images can have uncached urls. Never pages itself.
The uncached image url you reference yourself above like this:
is the image processor such the, with TinyMCE, I have to manually edit all links except image link itself ?
a nice improvement would be that "Overview/Cache manager/Cache stored images" become "Overview/Cache manager/Rewrite stored links" and rewrite all internal links such
find in news or pages (or everywhere else in database) with relevant rewrited url.of course it would be better if TinyMCE will do it directly!
As I just tried to explain the non rewritten urls are no issue. These are in fact the actual urls Zenphoto uses internally. They are vaild and they are rewritten/redirected if you click on them if using modrewrite. Rewriting is just sort of "masking" these rather ugly urls. No need to change these manually or otherwise.
These urls also have nothing to do with the cacheManager or any cache.
But yes, tinyZenpage should use rewritten links by default. But as mentioned already it will be reworked anyway and we most certainly will use shortcodes instead of plain html (with some drawback mentioned). But not for 1.x anymore.