Theme zpmobile animated GIF

Hello everyone,

i need a little help :) , i have a small issue, i need to view gif animated on thumb or list of image. It's work on zentheme and not to mobile theme.

I found my issue on image.php on line 41 :

i change by this with : getFullImageURL()

if (isImagePhoto()) {
image" alt="<?php printBareImageTitle(); ?>" style="max-width:<?php echo getDefaultWidth(); ?>px"/>

It's work.

But i need this option on list view in album .

In album.php i found this code but it doesn't work.
I change by album.php from zen theme , i have the same issue, i don't think is the right file.

<?php $count = ''; while (next_image()): $count++; switch($count) { case 1: $imgclass = ' ui-block-a'; break; case 2: $imgclass = ' ui-block-b'; break; case 3: $imgclass = ' ui-block-c'; break; case 4: $imgclass = ' ui-block-d'; $count = ''; // reset to start with a again; break; } ?> " href="<?php echo html_encode(getImageURL());?>" title="<?php printBareImageTitle();?>"> <?php printCustomSizedImage(getAnnotatedImageTitle(), NULL,230, 230, 230, 230, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, True, NULL); ?> <?php endwhile; ?>

Can you help me please ? :)



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    edited March 2018

    Please escape code correctly using backticks like this some code (for inline) or using four spaces before the code:

 (tabs don't really work here)

    Actually that should be the right place. You need to replace the printCustomSizedImage() functiom call with a full image one as you did above.

  • Thanks acrylian :)

    I don't understand, my zen theme don't display gif animated. i don't find the setting.
    Is there a general setting for this ?

    When i change




    i have the same problem.

    Thanks you

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    edited March 2018

    get functions don't print anything, they just "get" data. You have to use echo with it. In this case you have to use it with an img element of course as it just returns an url.
    Example: <img src="<?php echo html_encode(getFullImageURL()); >" alt="">

  • Hi,
    Thank you so much ! It's perfect :)

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