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I found a little problem with me. Since I've already done some mods, I do not know if it's because of it. However, the error occurs even without mods in the search files.
Theme basic
The following: In a search result with albums and photos and multiple result pages, not all images are opened in a stand-alone dynamic search album. Not all, but some. I do not recognize a pattern.
In a search result with 649 albums (46) and pictures (603) some images are displayed in their original album and some in a search dynamic album with a total of 603 images. In this search dynamic album image pages, when navigating prev and next, it happens that some images leave the search dynamic album to the original image album.
It only happens with big search results.
Can someone construct this with himself?
Are the albums the causers listed in the search result?
Apart from that, in my mod, the search result image pages should always be displayed in a dynamic album, only the breadcrumbs should make it possible to leave it.
So, I see a problem with the URLs of the next and previous links when viewing an image of a dynamic album. The URL will be to the natural album of the image. However, the breadcrumbs will show the dynamic album once the image is loaded.
Is that what you are experiencing, or is it something else?
Search results always show the images in their original album. The context is retained by cookies generally.
Images within dynamic albums have an url base of that dynamic album.
Actually images from dynamic albums IMHO should probabky not be in search results since they would "double" images in the original albums. I had the impression that was the case.
Well, since the only things found in the search are actual images it would be pretty impossible for the "dynamic album" images to appear.
Yes. I may have misunderstood wibbi that he meant he got images from dynamic album results in a search or something. Which would have been a bug then.
I mean it differently.
I do not have dynamic albums.
Only the search result albums are dynamic albums. (???) I mean these search result albums with the dynamic albums.
I understand that all images (image pages) listed in a search result are displayed in their own dynamic album. At least that's the case with me.
Search results with 2000 images (I do not have an album with 2000 images) are all displayed in a dynamic album with 2000 images. 2000 prev/next image pages.
I have tried it in the test album (with theme basic light), but there the error does not occur. Because everything is different there.
search for "a".
Total matches for a: 8
(2 albums, 8 images)
Images are displayed in the original album with this breadcrumb:
Search | album1 | Nebula number 1
Images (image pages) aren't displayed in a search result dynamic album.
It's different with me. With me, all 8 images would appear in a new dynamic album. But there comes the error that this dynamic album is left with some images, towards the original static albums. So not all images are displayed in the search result dynamic album, but some in the original static albums.
Let's not confused terms. Within search results there are no "dynamic albums" actually. There is just a so called "search context" so you stay within your search results.
I am not sure what you see. If I access the images, they are all within search context. Also within an album in search context. You see that by the "Search" within the breadcrumb.
I have now found the "bug" in the test album. There is a significant difference in the search results. I'll try to explain it, even though I do not know if it's always the case.
The "bug" is noticeable when using prev / next. For me, I see it more clearly, as I show current number / total number.
If an album and images are listed in the search results, the images whose album is also listed are displayed in their original static album. The images whose album is not listed in the search result are displayed in a stand-alone dynamic album. (I call this search result dynamic album).
If now both are mixed, then the search result dynamic album is left, if prev / next reaches an image, whose album is listed in the search result.
You can do it the same way in the test album. Here are a test with three different search results.
Make a new search each time (not within).
Theme basic light.
search for "nebel".
Total matches for nebel: 2
(0 albums, 2 images)
The albums of the two images are not listed. If you click on an image, you get into a search result dynamic album with only 2 images (prev/next). All is fine.
search for "a".
Total matches for a: 8
(2 albums, 8 images)
For every image their album is listed. Click the images. All images are displayed in their original static album. Not realy fine, if 1st is considered.
search for "nebel | album1".
Total matches for nebel OR album1: 3
(1 albums, 2 images)
It is getting interesting now. In one of the images also their album is listed, in the other, the album is not listed.
To reproduce the "bug" it is important to click on the image /album2/Cosmos05.jpg.html
A dynamic album is displayed (with only 2 images. (prev / not next).) If you click on "prev" the search result dynamic album will be left because the album of this image is listed in the search result. You notice that when you click "next" again. Now a different image is displayed and "next", ie more than 2 images.
If you click the image /album1/Cosmos01.jpg.html first, the original static album of this images will be displayed. In this case, immediately leaves the search result dynamic album, or does not even get into it.
My wish would be that all images are always displayed in a search result dynamic album and never leave this. The leave should be possible only on the breadcrumbs. But still albums should be listed in search results.
Please stick to the actual terms. A dynamic album is a "saved search". These are just images results in search context.
No, actually not The images matching your query are listed as images. The albums are listed because your search fof "a" also matches album results. And if you click on an album, you get naturally its images and further albums. You are still in search context.
Same applies to above. You get the images that match your query and the album that matches the query. The album itself shows its own images no matter if they apply. Which makes sense since the album is found. But even within these album images you are in search context and can return to the search results.
If you don't want album results at all, you can disable it on the search options.
I used the Zenpage theme but it really is the same for all themes.
@acrylian: You make it hard for me to explain that to you. You make it hard for yourself to understand it.
Please read what i write befor answer:
At points 1 to 3 I noted the results of the search queries. No more and no less. You think I wrote something fictional.
This is the reality of the search result in point 2. No more and no less.
Please do the test yourself, in the same order with the same search strings and proceed exactly as I described it. Maybe you'll understand it then.
At the moment, it's not always in the search context, it's a bit chaotic.
Images, whose album is listed in the search result, will by click it appear in the image pages of the original static album. (see prev / next or current / total number)
Images, whose album is not listed in the search result, will by click it appear in a search result dynamic album.
The search result dynamic album is left at prev / next when an image is reached whose album is listed in the search result.
I did understand you issue and I tried it. I just don't consider it an issue.
Yes, as I said they appear within the album that is part of the search result. IF you click on the album, you naturally get its images which are itself not part as "images" of the search result. If you don't want that you can remove the link to the album in the result, but what is the point of listing it then? Or what would be the point of listing an empty album just because its images are not "results"? Wouldn't that be confusing either?
And there is a "search" in the breadcrumb which clearly tells "search context".
And again, please don't use the term "dynamic album" here. Thanks.
I do not use the term "dynamic album", but "search result dynamic album". It is a temporary search result dynamic album. That you can possibly save to a dynamic album. (Remember you at the last discussion about an OSM map with all images that use a search result and a dynamic album).
You have to differentiate between the search result pages and the search result dynamic album, which opens the images that are listed, whose album is not listed.
Finally, take Test 3, exactly as I described it, then you will see it.
The image is first opened in a search result dynamic album, and clicking "prev" will leave it. This is absolutely chaotic with other search results, as I have them in my zenphoto.
A.) If the album of an image is listed: images are opened in static album
B.) If the album of an image is not listed: images are opened in dynamic album
Again, "dynamic album" is not a term we use in normal search context. A dynamic album it is only once you save it, without it is search resulte. Please stick to that. End of discussion on this part!
I again have taken your test 3.
I see that on clicking on the one album listed as result I get four images. Once I click one of the image it is reduced to the two actually found as separate results (that in this case are from this album as well). I agree that is a bit confusing.
Sorry, I really didn't understand this from your description. I will put investigation on this on the list.
And I stick to the term "search result dynamic album" because it's one. I could improve it to "temporary search result dynamic album".
In this image, their album is listed in the search result and it will open in the original static album.
In this image, their album is not listed in the search result and it is opened in a "temporary search result dynamic album".
I wish that always all the images that are found, even if their album is listed in the search result, will be opened in a "temporary search result dynamic album". It should be like fictitiously tagging all found images. And then all tagged images are displayed in a temporary dynamic album.
If you make up your own terms frequently in the future you will likely cause confusion and support issues. You did confuse me with the term "dynamic album" in the beginning. Use the official terms to make our live easier. Thanks.
Actually that happens. Just that additionally within an album its other images are also shown with the bug that you cannot go through its images because it resets to the actually found ones.
To get this consequent we have these options basically:
Albums in search results may show up
Albums show all their images even if they are not "found" and behave like they do outside of search context without resetting to the "found" ones.
Sorry, that is both not effective.
It must be in the search results albums and images separated. These are always search results of individual pages (album pages, image pages, ...). These are always links to Pages. Albums in search results can be linked directly to the album pages. It does not need a separate album with prev / next for albums. (As it is currently). In the case of image pages, all of them must be linked/displayed independently of their albums in a separate temporary album with prev / next. So every search result is an independent album (like tags), except the albums in the search result. So all images in a search result make an independent temporary album (with prev / next). Leaving such a search result temporary album to the original static album page to which an image belongs must be possible through the breadcrumbs.
This has the following background.
Simple example: If I'm looking for photos with the word "sunset", then I want a temporary album, in which only pictures with sunset can be seen. All sunset pictures in an album with prev / next and no other photos.
They are, just that showing its actual images doesn't work properly…
Not sure what you mean here again, there is no prev/next for albums in search results?
The search results for images are displayed separately already.
Sorry, besides that images within a album being search result, I don't understand your issue here…
Yes, it is difficult to explain.
I just want to find out what is possible and what is not necessary and what is already. Don't panic.
Albums are displayed directly in the original page with all image-thumbs of the album. It would be possible that all the albums listed in the search result will be displayed in a search album with prev / next, so that the albums that were found could be clicked prev and next. I find that exaggerated. It's not like that either. (I don't found words in english for that.)
It is also not necessary for albums listed in the search result to display only the thumbs of the images in their album page that are also listed. Just as it is now. In the albums listed in the search result, all image thumbs of the album can be displayed on their album page (not in the search result).
I mean with this the current problem with leaving the temporary search result image album, or does not even enter into it, what I have explained above.
All images listed in the search result = one temporary album with all images-pages in it. This is current not the case because of the current "leaving" problem.
I don't panic, just trying to understand :-)
Okay, I probably don't understand your "leaving problem" then. For the plain images in a search result I very well stay within them and don't leave search context.
However, it will leave if an image page in the search result list is clicked, whose album is also listed in the search result, or in the temporary search result album an image page is reached, whose album is also listed in the search result.
search for "nebel | album1". (without quotation marks)
Total matches for nebel OR album1: 3
(1 albums, 2 images)
It is important to click yet on the image album2/Cosmos05.jpg.html !!!
The image page are displayed in a temporary album (with only 2 images. (prev/not(!) next).)
If you click on "prev"(!) the search result dynamic album will be leave, because the album of this image (album1/Cosmos01.jpg.html) is listed in the search result. You do not notice it yet, because the image page is the first in her static album and "prev" is missing.
You notice that when you click yet "next" again (so back). Now a different image is displayed and "next" is displayed, ie more than 2 images, NOT the album2/Cosmos05.jpg.html as before.
Another Situation with same search result:
If you click the image /album1/Cosmos01.jpg.html first(!), the image page will be displayed in her original static album. In this case does not even get into the temporary search result album.
Of course if you click on the 2nd of two image results ther is no "next".
Okay, I think I see what you mean now. You stay in search context by breadcrumb but actually you view the images of the album ("album1") the image you clicked on is in and not the image results itself. Weird…
I'll try to look after that as soon as possible.
It's not like that.
Go at two times A/B into the search result page for "nebel | album1". (without quotation marks).
A.) when you click the /album1/Cosmos01.jpg.html, the gallery switch to the image page in her original static album. Because the album of the image is listed in the search result.
B.) when you click the /album2/Cosmos05.jpg.html, the gallery switch to the image page in the temporary search result album. Because the album of the image is not listed in the search result.
If albums in the settings are excluded from the search, then this error, leaving, does not occur because no albums can be listed for any images. But that is not a solution.
Ok, I see that too. Good hint that it seems to be related if albums are included. This might not be easy to fix and will surely take a while again… (btw no ticket needed as it is on the list).
I hope it is to be fixed. I temporarily excluded albums from search.