The simpler media website CMS
Hi, i have a problem.
OK, i have modded my zenphoto, and my last work on zenphoto is 12 weeks ago. My zenphoto gallery is still not online. I have no time...
I search for more infos about this error:
{4897:Wed, 20 Jun 2018 18:23:13 GMT} Zenphoto v1.4.14[f5b47da52feacae4e5e081b977e60ee0b2fe1bc5] USER NOTICE: Bad filename suffix in newImage(PICT1105.JPG) in /var/www/virtual/xxx/html/zp-core/class-image.php on line 73 trigger_error called from newImage (class-image.php [73]) from AlbumBase->getAlbumThumbImage (class-album.php [443]) from printAlbumThumbImage (template-functions.php [1881]) from include (index.php [63]) from include (index.php [130]) from index.php [28]
If this is your modded version, try if you get the same error with the unmodded one.
I have no unmodded installed. But fresh install have no errors.
The thumbs in parent-albums are not displayed.
I have found this function and a little bit confused.
???$thumbobj = $_zp_current_album->getAlbumThumbImage()
have a result.
have no result, but the error.
Nothing confusing about
getThumb() call getThumb('album') in getThumb() ???
. The album class methodgetThumb()
which is for the thumb representing the album calls thegetThumb()
function of the image class since the album class methodgetAlbumThumbImage()
returns an image object. (The parameter "album" is useless actually)So basically the error says the image that is set as the album thumb does not exist. So does it exist?
The file exist on FTP and have a database entry, i have checked it.
So without any specific error I cannot help and only suggest to re-assign a specific image as the album thumb.
Everyone is affected. It is a common problem.
I'm not satisfied because it's a lot of work.
Now I will install 1.5 new and enter my moddings. let's see...
there are from 1.4. to 1.5 changes in the database (rows / cols)?
It's too complicated ... for a simple photo CMS. sorry, my problem ...
If you having an issue makes this "common" and "everyone" affected… Never had this issue, which of course does not mean it does not exist but I cannot help without a more concrete error since I cannot reproduce it.
And Zenphoto is not a "simple photo cms" for a long time already :-)
ZenPhoto: "The simpler media website CMS"
"common" and "everyone" on my installation.
Good news. Now that I have installed ZenPhoto 1.5 and have insert all my modding (without modding themes), everything works without error. I can not explain it. It is a lot of time and a lot of work. It is not good if the CMS suddenly stops working.
Zenphoto actually. Note the case ;-) And it refers to general usage. Sadly with the flexibility and also not all servers behaving the same simple is a bit relative…
Absolutely. As said we had some bugs regarding fresh installs although we tested it that now should be fixed in the support build.
What is the support build? Is there any version other than the
?Yes, that's the master before it becomes the next version. Named that way here and explained here
Then is a snapshot without its own version number, but always newer than the release with the highest version number?
How often are such snapshots / masters created?
Yes, but it's not a snapshot. It's just the current state and gets everything as soon as any change is committed (as it is called in Git terms). Which means it might not always be fully stable since also work in progress.