The simpler media website CMS
I tried to update my Zenphoto site hosted by OVH from PHP 5.6 to 7.2. I get a message telling that mysql extensions are not correctly installed. I had to revert to PHP 5.6. (By the way, I did not have this error message when connecting to my Webtrees subsite that uses PHP and mysql too). Any clue about the problem ? Thanks
I guess your error refers to this: The PHP MySQL extension has been deprecated since PHP 5.6 and gone in PHP 7+. You need to change the Zenphoto's configuration to use the MySQLi oder PDO database handler instead.
Open the config file
in a proper file editor (not Word ;-)) and change the line$conf['db_software'] = "MySQL";
to$conf['db_software'] = "MySQLi";
Thanks. I will try this.
Will this configuration work with PHP 5.6 too ?
Yes, mysqli and PDO work with 5.6 as well (if the PHP is configured correctly as both are extensions.
But if you can use PHP 7. We are focussing on PHP 7+ already anyway.
Unfortunately, my provider (OVH) does not provide MySQLi in their "Perso" offers. ☹️. So I am stuck with PHP 5.6
Then try PDO instead. I cannot believe that provide would not have any of these.
If you are considering to use PHP 7+ which you should do you don't have any choice anyway as there is no mysql extension anymore.
Thanks for the follow-up. Actually OVH came back to me yesterday to tell me they misunderstood my question and that they do support MySQLi in the mutualised perso offers. So I need do a real test to check this.