Mysql extensions not installed correctly

ddalbiez Member
edited February 2020 in General support

I tried to update my Zenphoto site hosted by OVH from PHP 5.6 to 7.2. I get a message telling that mysql extensions are not correctly installed. I had to revert to PHP 5.6. (By the way, I did not have this error message when connecting to my Webtrees subsite that uses PHP and mysql too). Any clue about the problem ? Thanks


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    edited February 2020

    I guess your error refers to this: The PHP MySQL extension has been deprecated since PHP 5.6 and gone in PHP 7+. You need to change the Zenphoto's configuration to use the MySQLi oder PDO database handler instead.

    Open the config file /zp-data/zenphoto.cfg.php in a proper file editor (not Word ;-)) and change the line $conf['db_software'] = "MySQL"; to $conf['db_software'] = "MySQLi";

  • ddalbiez Member
    edited February 2020

    Thanks. I will try this.
    Will this configuration work with PHP 5.6 too ?

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    Yes, mysqli and PDO work with 5.6 as well (if the PHP is configured correctly as both are extensions.

    But if you can use PHP 7. We are focussing on PHP 7+ already anyway.

  • Unfortunately, my provider (OVH) does not provide MySQLi in their "Perso" offers. ☹️. So I am stuck with PHP 5.6

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    Then try PDO instead. I cannot believe that provide would not have any of these.

    If you are considering to use PHP 7+ which you should do you don't have any choice anyway as there is no mysql extension anymore.

  • ddalbiez Member
    edited March 2020

    Thanks for the follow-up. Actually OVH came back to me yesterday to tell me they misunderstood my question and that they do support MySQLi in the mutualised perso offers. So I need do a real test to check this.

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