Print Image Description over thumb

ctdlg Member


How can I print image description over thumbs (album page) when mouse stops moving over them ?
a href="<?php echo html_encode(getImageURL()); ?>" title="<?php printImageDesc();
in album.php, while image loop, line 55
prints source code of image descriptions over my thumbs !

Thanks in advance.


  • fretzl Administrator, Developer

    You could try:

    <a href="<?php echo html_encode(getImageURL()); ?>" title="<?php echo strip_tags(getImageDesc()); ?>">
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    On all browser the title tag is displayed as a tooltip if you keep the cursor a while on it. If you need something different, you need to use JS.

  • ctdlg Member

    Thank you fretzl and acrylian for your help.

    I use a copy of album.php, named album-stereo.php using fretzl code that does the job : I apply this template to all stereoscopic pictures .
    The tooltip displays the description of the 3D picture.
    There is no description using stereo photo maker (html5 web stereo viewer tool )

    I do use your standard tooltip for all other thumbs !

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