The simpler media website CMS
When I use imagemagick, for some large images, I have this error.
I have modified my php settings for large images:
php_value memory_limit 1G
php_value upload_max_filesize 1G
php_value post_max_size 1G
php_value max_execution_time 600
php_value max_input_time 1000
php_value max_file_uploads 20
When I swith to GD, it works. I thought that Imagemagick was more adequate to process large images ;-)
Debug message
Album: [ 1950-1959/1950 ], Image: [ 1950-0001-0001.JPG ]
Image filesize: 12550409
Debug i.php | Arguments:
size =
width = 180
height =
cw = 0
ch = 0
cx =
cy =
quality = 85
thumb =
crop =
Zenphoto Image Processing Error: cacheImage(/1950-1959/1950/1950-0001-0001_w180.jpg) exception: cache resources exhausted `/server_path/albums/1950-1959/1950/1950-0001-0001.JPG' @ error/cache.c/OpenPixelCache/4083
Request URI: [ /zp-core/i.php?a=1950-1959/1950&i=1950-0001-0001.JPG&w=180&cw=0&ch=0&q=85&wmk=!&check=64197171ba4daca336bdf93a25d30dd15f236f38&debug ]
PHP_SELF: [ /zp-core/i.php ]
Cache: [/cache//1950-1959/1950/1950-0001-0001_w180.jpg]
Image: [1950-1959/1950//server_path/albums/1950-1959/1950/1950-0001-0001.JPG]
cacheImage(/1950-1959/1950/1950-0001-0001_w180.jpg) exception: cache resources exhausted `/server_path/albums/1950-1959/1950/1950-0001-0001.JPG' @ error/cache.c/OpenPixelCache/4083
Any idea where I missed something about OpenPixelCache/4083?
For information, updating /etc/ImageMagick-6/policy.xml did the trick (Debian 10)... especially these settings:
I just share this as you might encounter the same problem with large files!
Interestingly not always. I remember similar reports that GD works better sometimes.
We can add the above to our user guide entry but most users will not be able to update those configs unless they have their own virtual/dedicated server (e.g. we on our own server).