The simpler media website CMS
I just upgraded to 1.5.6 from 1.4.14 I have found the the edit tool for formatting text with mages is no where to be found. There used to be formatting option to center text, etc. I can embed formatting info within the text but preferred the format tool. Am I missing something? I am using a modified version of Zen Page.
Thanks for any assistance, John A. Kinnaird
You probably don't have the tinymce4 plugin active.
acrylian, Thank you, your advice corrected the issue. I use Zenphoto every day and find it amazingly easy to work with! My problem is I don't remember the in's and out's of my settings when I update the program. I have learned to keep a text file with my notes and this solution will be added for future reference. Again, thank you for your assistance. John A. Kinnaird