Well, where exactly do you want to display these? This is not really possible using the standard display (loop like on the album page). You could only define custom sort orders.
OR you try using a search and create a dynamic album for this.
You can certainly achieve this using either the object model by checking if images have tags assigned. Same for the GPS column.
Have to look if there are perhaps filters that could be used.
Or using db queries. If you do the latter you need to make sure you do all checks for visibility, protection etc yourself.
Well, where exactly do you want to display these? This is not really possible using the standard display (loop like on the album page). You could only define custom sort orders.
OR you try using a search and create a dynamic album for this.
You can certainly achieve this using either the object model by checking if images have tags assigned. Same for the GPS column.
Have to look if there are perhaps filters that could be used.
Or using db queries. If you do the latter you need to make sure you do all checks for visibility, protection etc yourself.
either as an album or in the backend.
I can create a dynamic album with the criteria "words=*&searchfields=exifgpslatitude,exifgpslongitude&inalbums=1&inimages=1&unpublished=0
which will display all images with GPS data.
The question:
Is there away to "reverse" the placeholder * that will bring out an album with all images which have no GPS data.
Did you try something like
perhaps? I have no idea right now what it returns as I don't really have GPS data images on my test site right now.Many thanks sir :-)
!* works fine - now it is easy to identify all images without keywords or gps data.
Great, I just learned something myself ;-)