zpBootstrap Slideshow

Ralf Member
edited July 2020 in Themes

got a small problem with the zpBootstrap theme and the current version of Zenphoto.
Tested it with the official 1.57 and the support build.

As soon as I choose "Gallery" as an option no slideshow is displayed on the homepage.
Same happens when I choose an album wich has sub-albums - where the main album itself is empty and all the images are in the subalbums-

Choosing an album without subalbums will display the slideshow.

It seems there is an issue with the current version of zpBootstrap.

That's what the error log shows:
{3311346:Tue, 28 Jul 2020 21:23:45 GMT} Zenphoto v1.5.8b

BENUTZER*IN-WARNUNG: getRandomImagesAlbum (aufgerufen von functions.php Zeile 105) ist veraltet Use the image_album_statiscic plugin function getImageStatisic()with appropiate parameters Sie können diese Fehlermeldung deaktivieren, indem Sie sie in den deprecated-functions-Plugineinstellungen in der Funktionsliste getRandomImagesAlbum abschalten. in /var/www/pathtoweb/html/zenphoto/zp-core/zp-extensions/deprecated-functions.php in Zeile 158

trigger_error called from deprecated_functions::notify (deprecated-functions.php [158])

from getRandomImagesAlbum (deprecated-functions.php [193])

from zpB_getRandomImages (functions.php [105])

from include (home.php [24])

from include (index.php [9])

from include (index.php [130])

from index.php [56]



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    I hope @vincent3569 can help with this. I think we had this question just recently already. Pleaase try a forum search. I have a far memory that it had to do with the publish state of the images and albums used for the slideshow. This is actually a wrong behaviour of those randomimages functions (which btw only get one "image") so we took the chance to deprecate them as the plugin provides the same and better functionality for random images.

    1.5.8b is not yet been released so zpBoostrap has not yet been adjusted to that change. It's deprecated not yet an issue.

  • Ralf Member

    thanks for the reply - as said it is not a big problem, because it works with a single album.


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