Database change

I have 1000+ pictures are located here and I want to point my other site to use the pictures where is the file to change?

Database Name
Database User
Database Host


  • Zenphoto is file system based. Images are not stored in the database, only things like descriptions.

    Do you want both sites to use the same pictures? Then you will need to configure an "external album" for one of the sites. Naturally, that site must be able to access the album folder for the site that has the images. External site is configured via the zenphoto config file.

  • ha...I just ftp all the albums to my new site and it works!!

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    ha...I just ftp all the albums to my new site and it works!!

    That works as long as you have not entered any important data via the backend like title, descriptions, tags etc. If it is important to carry those we have instructions here:

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