The simpler media website CMS
Hello, I've succesfully upgraded a ZP stone-age installation and I'm quite satisfied with it (1300+ imgs, 600+ albums, 400+ Mapped POIs, 3x langs), nevertheless there are obviously some things that don't work as I've expected. Needless to say I'm working hard to solve them by myself but there are a number of issues that exceed my limited knowledge: the first is that the image url construction in image.php has two different outputs and I can't understand how this happens.
This is the code (line 32 in image.php)
<?php printDefaultSizedImage(getBareImageTitle(), 'remove-attributes img-responsive center-block'); ?>
this makes correctly the following:
<img alt="bnv_2" class="remove-attributes img-responsive center-block" title="bnv_2" loading="lazy" width="413" height="550" src="/cache/bnv/bnv_2_1000.jpg?cached=1620552892" />
but in too many cases - and random - I get the wrong url:
<img alt="BNV 1" class="remove-attributes img-responsive center-block" title="BNV 1" loading="lazy" width="413" height="550" src="/zp-core/i.php?a=bnv&i=bnv_1.jpg&s=1000&cw=0&ch=0&q=85&wmk=%21&check=b8cfc2f87f8e1efcf9bf9a1bf5f640b1e2b063f5" />
any idea where/what to look for, how to solve that?
( PS: Zenphoto version 1.5.8RC - Theme zpBootstrap+ZenPage - Version PHP: 7.4.27 - )
The wrong URL is not wrong. That is the image processor URL before the cached resized mage has been generated. Zenphoto generates image sizes on the fly and any theme/plugin can directly request custom sizes.
So there is nothing to solve. Once the image is cached/generated you get the "correct url". This is not new behaviour and exists "from the beginning". Also see:
If your theme registeres the sizes with the cacheManager plugin you can pre-cache them.
Glad you managed to upgrade a stone age install. That often works quite well as the base gallery system is still the same.
Aha! I've installed the cacheManager plugin, emptied the cache -should have thought that before- and problem (n°1) solved! thanks :-)