The simpler media website CMS
Hello everyone:
I have started using the zpBoostrap theme (which I really like) and it has solved some problems with google search, but I have found a problem to play the videos with this theme, and that does not happen with other themes (zpArdoise, zenpage, zpmobile or even the basic theme). The problem is the following: I have several albums with images and one album with videos. In this I store the videos and a .jpg or .png image for each one with the same name. When I want to view any video, clicking on the name of the video plays it perfectly, but if I click on the image, an {{ERROR}} message appears; this does not happen with the images of any other album, only with the videos.
Can someone help me to find the solution? From already thank you very much.
Do you have a link to one file in question?
Hello Acrylian, how are you?
About your question, I tell you that I don't have any link from the .jpg images to the video files, and I wouldn't even know how to do it. I only have the "Videos" album, with several .mp4 files, and for each of them a .jpg file with exactly the same name.
Anyway, in this extension zpBoostrap is the only one that shows the error message {{ERROR}}, in all the ones I mentioned above it works without any problem.
What do you think I should do (and how/where) to fix it?
I meant a link to one of the videos on our site. I need to see how the error looks like. Otherwise I can just guess that you are using the wrong video format/codec. Which can't be it if you say it works in other themes.
OK Acrylian, my web site is
I see. you cannot use the lightbox/fancybox mode that only zpBootstrap has for video albums. This opens files directly and that does not work with videos. You have to use the actual standard single image page to make this work.
Thank you Acrylic.
But now comes the difficult question: What do I have to change or select to use the actual standard image page?
In short, how do I do it?, can I do it and keep this zpBoostrap theme working properly?
Sorry, I cannot answer this off hand being not that familar with the theme. I think it is either some theme option or some layout selection on the album itself. It may very well be that there is no setting so the theme does not work with video/audio files.
Thank you Acrylian.
I will see then if I find the solution.
Anyway if someone reads this post and knows the solution, I will appreciate your information.
I wish you a good day.
I just looked at the theme via our demo site. The theme works a bit against general usability and user expectations because the click on the thumb opens the fancybox/lightbox but the link on the image name opens the actual images page.
As far asa I see there is no option to have the same link for both. So modifying the theme would be the only way.
OK thanks.

I will study the theme a bit despite my little knowledge and see if I can find a solution. The possibility of modifying the theme is quite difficult for me and beyond my knowledge, but with a little patience (and time) sometimes the impossible is achieved, right?
Check if you have perhaps have set the option Full image protection to Protected view (Options -> Image -> Full image protection)
If so, try setting it to Unprotected.
Acrylian, I have verified that you are truly a genius.
When unprotecting the full image, it works perfectly fine. Problem solved.
Thank you very much my friend. See you forever.
Sorry fretzl, I missed the thank you for reading in a hurry without looking. Although we already know that Acrylian is a genius, in this case I must call you a genius too; My congratulations and thanks also go to you. Thanks.
Thanks, although I am surely not a genius ;-)