
Is there a possibility to display the "Breadcrumb" in the search results?

When I use "Breadcrumb" in album.php it works perfectly but when I do a search instead of the "Breadcrumb" I get the entry "Search" on the wanted album

Is there a solution to also see the "Breadcrumb" in the search results and the album?

Thanks for your answer !




  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    edited August 2022

    There is a search breadcrumb and it is relative to the search results and not the same hierachy as the actual albums. For example and image from an album may be a result but not the album itself. Search results are a specific internal context set via a cookie.

    You could technically use the standard template functions on the search page by editing your theme. But that will throw you out of the context and confuse your users.

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