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Hi, how to get avi video files visible? I have Wanscam ipcamera which record avi files and it saves files to albums directory.
If I give exact name of videofile I can download avi file and watch it with VLC, but my friends cannot cause they don't know exact file name.
So how to get Zenphoto to show all file formats in album subdirectories?
Thank you in advance
find solution
add this to class-video.php :
Gallery::addImageHandler('avi', 'Video');
avi files are not a general web format so many browser and devices will not play them regardless of that addition. Use mp4 videos instead.
"avi files are not a general web format so many browser and devices will not play them regardless of that addition. Use mp4 videos instead."
I know, but Wanscam ipcamera use avi as I say in first post and now it's possible to download avi file to computer and use VLC to watch video.
Ah, sorry, thanks for pointing to that again. If it is not important to play them directly, a better way is to use the AnyFile plugin that allows to have almost any file type to be recognized within albums.