zpBootstrap mods & youtube video display code

tplowe56 Member
edited December 2022 in General support

Anyone using zpBootstrap. Here are some mods I have coded to eliminate a lot of space in the header area. You lose the admin toolbox link, and also the space for social media links, but it is a very clean look, that takes up less space on mobile devices. Use the Chrome developer console to see results before commiting.

Right click & view in new tab to see full size


Old header

As modified

New header

The instructions and code changes are all in this document on google drive, also included in the document is a slick way to present youtube video's or video playlists in a normal zpBootstrap album. Works on zp 1.5 and above and zpBootsrap 2.3.2 and Fretzl's fork of 2.3.2 that runs on PHP 8.1 https://github.com/fretzl/zpBootstrap

**NOTE: There is some code for an issue that is distinct to my situation which occurs if your images have captions in the meta data, which leads to the title printing twice, ignore this code. My initials are TPL which you will see in my comments in the code.



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    edited December 2022

    The best would be to do such things on GitHub as a fork of the original theme repository.

    Note that we have a repo on Zenphoto's GitHub as well. That will be soon be changed as we accidentally didn't create it as a fork of the original repository.

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