The simpler media website CMS
I have just installed vers.1.6 and I noticed two strange behaviours.
1) Reading and saving in DB the EXIF data for images carries to save a wrong value for field EXIFEsposureTime.
Examples: an exposure of "1/33 sec" is saved as "5 sec", "1/1148 sec" saved as "0/1 sec"
2) I receive a plenty of deprecated function notices in the log for "ghost functions" that rise with a little browse tens of debugs pages.
I have modified my custom template to substitute functions as "getSearchURL", "search_quote", "getMainSiteName", "printOpenStreetMap ", "getShow ", "isImagePhoto" and others... but I continue to receive notices as the would be still in place.
This continue to happen also if I had flushed all the caches and verified that correct php files are in place in the template.
To be completely honest, the very first behaviour received for issue 1) was a critical error of "Division by zero" in the value. After my simple injection to transform the $data string variable in a floating value at line 980 of exif.php ($data=(float)$data; //FBO Fix)
), the new behaviour is that one described in my earlier post
Please don't mix several topics within one topic/thread in the future.
1) We missed that one apparently. Thanks.
2) Yes there will of course be an entry for every usage and on any repeated usages. That is not avoidable. If you still get such notices there must be still deprecated usages somehwere.
Thanks for your quick reply.
Sorry for several topics.
Let's continue only on item 2)
The very strange think is that if I do a grep or other kind of searches in the theme code on the server I DO NOT find anymore any occurrence of the deprecated function.
Behaviour seems like PHP8.2.x has introduced a sort of cache for php source files (at least in my hosting setup), but I cannot find any news about it
The first was simple so already fixed in 1.6.1a (master on github) now.
Did you do a plain text search? Some functions may be called via filter calls or similar which are not covered if you use a function search via an IDE for example.
The usage may also be in the functions.php file of the theme used or some third party plugins.
Another possibility is that we missed something in core but then the notices would indicated that.
I don't think so but there are certainly possibly server side caches like APC or OPcache etc that your host may use.
Yes I did a plain text search.
Investigating more on filters usage.
I will update if something raise up.
Thinking that about wrong EXIF data stored in db till 1.6 version, should be a suggestion (as EXIF function are now core of the CMS) to include the update in the Dashboard script "Upgrade metadata" or create a new dedicated script to batch upgrade all EXIF data in one shot.
Of course is just a nice-to-have...
Great. If you find anything deprecated we indeed missed in core files let us know. Best open a ticket on Github (there is already one referring
The exif lib was always in ZP core we just moved it to a subfolder in1.6. But is quite old from a time when the nativ PHP exif reading was really bad. At some time we will review to which extend we still need that in this form.
Our "Update metadata" actually does update all meta data reading them freshly.
I admit I am not a photographer besides using my mobile so I never noticed. That looks weird and if we store values wrong we of course should fix that.
Many thanks
Ok for Github