The simpler media website CMS
Hi everybody!
I'm using Zenphoto with the great Mutliverse theme and it's working so great.
I am trying to create a page with openstreetmap that would display all the photos on a map. I have created a virtual album with the search tool that regroup all photos with latitude and longitude.
Do someone know how to create then on Multiverse theme a page displaying the openstreetmap with all the photo localised on it?
I am not that familiar with thetheme but the OSM plugin itself does support that if the option is enabled.
If you have really a lot of images you may cause an overload though.
Thank you Acrylian. I have followed the tutorial on the website of Vincent Bourganel but it's for the Bootstrap theme.
<?php $album = newAlbum("ImagesOnMaps.alb"); if (is_object($album)) { makeAlbumCurrent($album); } ?>With Multiverse, editing the codeblock on the admin page of the album like this give nothing:
OSM plugin works fine on Multiverse. I have a map on the page of the image (accessible by clicking on the name of the photo).
I would like to try to have a map on the welcome page for example, with the photos of one smart album ImagesOnMaps.alb. Do you think it's possible with Zenpage?
A few comments if you are on 1.6:
$album = AlbumBase::newAlbum("ImagesOnMaps.alb");
as Vincent's tutorial is not totally current because the oldnewAlbum()
function is deprecated now.Also use
is also deprecated.Also you should not need
if (is_object($album)) { makeAlbumCurrent($album); }
because you pass the album object to printOpenStreetMap() directly.Also please review your debug log in case something else is interfering.
this is not, strictly speaking, theme related but with the Multiverse theme the right codeblock to use could be the number 2, which is printed just after the main content of the page.
Hi acrylian, I think he wishes to print the map in a page, not in the albums.
Off topic: I'll write you soon about things we were discussing before vacation. I'm late, I know, but there is a reason ;-)
Yes, I got that but for the map you should not need a "current album" since you pass the object directly. Unless you need album specific funtions but in that case the album object provides a lot itself.