ssl is not problem to open site, depend on browser - Advanced, next pass by warning and get address (f.ex. in Firefox)
jplayer is enabled
no problem exactly with the same files on other site (my old site in java).
theme is zpBootstrap v2.3 (31/03/2020)
I created a new album Test with one file film1.mp4
class-video is enbled
I don't know what means "Only one multimedia extension plugin can be enabled at the time and the class-video plugin must be enabled, too" - where? - may be this is a problem.
I set the same resolution to 1920x1080 in both audio-video plugins and jplayer and film is the same.
I already know, I found the reason - the theme zpBootstrap does not support videos.
So there is a problem, I don't know an responsive theme that will handle video.
Multiverse supports video but images do not scale on mobile.
My version of Paradigm works well with video/music with class-video enabled + I worked hard to ensure it works well on mobile, it also has fluid setting to stretch to full screen.
ssl is not problem to open site, depend on browser - Advanced, next pass by warning and get address (f.ex. in Firefox)
Of course not, it just meant that I had to refuse to visit your site if my browser blocks because invalid certificates.
The theme used is important basic info as not all are the same. By default zpBootstrap uses an overlay modal for images which does not work with multimedia. Although we forked it for compatibility fixes as it is not officially maintained I don't remember all of its settings. If you can disable the modal and use the single image page instead, media files probably should also work.
Shortly to:
Only one multimedia extension plugin can be enabled at the time and the class-video plugin must be enabled, too"
The class-video plugin does handle video/audio as single files by itself by now. But if you use another media plugin like jplayer or the mediaelementjs plugin you can only use one at the time.
You can display video in zpBootstrap theme using the class-textobject plugin, IF you host the files on Youtube. It works very well.
This is for video’s in a Youtube playlist, and will show the playlist in a side bar for the user. Modify the code as desired to show individual video's.
Take playlist sharing code from YouTube studio:
Copy the "x" code text and insert as below.
Take the video sharing code from the individual video:
Copy the "y" code text and insert as below.
<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">
<iframe class="embed-responsive-item" src="//" autoplay=1&rel=0"></iframe>
Place the above text in a "txt" file in an album along side an identically named jpg as your poster shot/thumbnail. The video will show in a fancybox pop up if using zpBootstrap.
Make sure the plugin 'class-textoblect' is enabled in ZP admin.
Could you solve your SSL problem first, as recommended by Acrylian ?
It is really easy ... and a must nowadays.
No one will visit your website - icons of videos in your album is a minor problem compared to your SSL problem.
Here is the page I get, translated from French to English :
Warning: probable security risk
Firefox detected a potential security threat and did not proceed to If you access this site, attackers could steal information such as your passwords, emails, or credit card details.
If is film only in a folder - no thumb,
more - in folder images in theme zpBootstrap, thumbs are as seen on the website (including mp4Default.png), but replacing them does not help.
Of course, when I add any image to the folder, it will be this image on the album cover.
An album does not have a thumbnail by its own. The album thumb is taken from one of the images inside the album. Which image to use as album thumb can be set on the album-edit page on the backend.
For video you have to create a thumbnail(called "sidecar image") yourself and pace it in the same album as the video.
This sidecar image can be anything like .jpg, .png, etc and it has to have the same name as the video!
For example, if you have a video named koncert.mp4, create a sidecar image named koncert.jpg en place it in the same album as your video..
So, in you album you now have koncert.mp4 AND koncert.jpg.
Sorry, I cannot open your website as the SSL certificate is not working so browsers block it.
Make sure you
ssl is not problem to open site, depend on browser - Advanced, next pass by warning and get address (f.ex. in Firefox)
jplayer is enabled
no problem exactly with the same files on other site (my old site in java).
theme is zpBootstrap v2.3 (31/03/2020)
I created a new album Test with one file film1.mp4
class-video is enbled
I don't know what means "Only one multimedia extension plugin can be enabled at the time and the class-video plugin must be enabled, too" - where? - may be this is a problem.
I set the same resolution to 1920x1080 in both audio-video plugins and jplayer and film is the same.
I can give You access as admin to the site.
I already know, I found the reason - the theme zpBootstrap does not support videos.
So there is a problem, I don't know an responsive theme that will handle video.
Multiverse supports video but images do not scale on mobile.
My version of Paradigm works well with video/music with class-video enabled + I worked hard to ensure it works well on mobile, it also has fluid setting to stretch to full screen.
Check here:
Of course not, it just meant that I had to refuse to visit your site if my browser blocks because invalid certificates.
The theme used is important basic info as not all are the same. By default zpBootstrap uses an overlay modal for images which does not work with multimedia. Although we forked it for compatibility fixes as it is not officially maintained I don't remember all of its settings. If you can disable the modal and use the single image page instead, media files probably should also work.
Shortly to:
The class-video plugin does handle video/audio as single files by itself by now. But if you use another media plugin like jplayer or the mediaelementjs plugin you can only use one at the time.
You can display video in zpBootstrap theme using the class-textobject plugin, IF you host the files on Youtube. It works very well.
disabled jplayer and is ok with video,
thanks for your advice
I just need to do something with the icons of Albums where there are only videos.
I invite you to the website
Hello Woojciech,
Could you solve your SSL problem first, as recommended by Acrylian ?
It is really easy ... and a must nowadays.
No one will visit your website - icons of videos in your album is a minor problem compared to your SSL problem.
Here is the page I get, translated from French to English :
Warning: probable security risk
Firefox detected a potential security threat and did not proceed to If you access this site, attackers could steal information such as your passwords, emails, or credit card details.
What do you mean with icons? THe thumbs? You need to upload sidecar images for the videos.
If is film only in a folder - no thumb,
more - in folder images in theme zpBootstrap, thumbs are as seen on the website (including mp4Default.png), but replacing them does not help.
Of course, when I add any image to the folder, it will be this image on the album cover.
Did you read as @acrylian suggested ?
An album does not have a thumbnail by its own. The album thumb is taken from one of the images inside the album. Which image to use as album thumb can be set on the album-edit page on the backend.
For video you have to create a thumbnail(called "sidecar image") yourself and pace it in the same album as the video.
This sidecar image can be anything like .jpg, .png, etc and it has to have the same name as the video!
For example, if you have a video named
, create a sidecar image namedkoncert.jpg
en place it in the same album as your video..So, in you album you now have