Gallery Index no longer public

tplowe56 Member
edited November 2023 in General support

I have been cleaning up the code on my site, and somehow triggered a problem. My gallery index page was public and when a guest clicked on an album thumbnail the login would pop up. Now the gallery index does not show any thumbnails to a non-logged in guest. Any idea if this is a security setting that I mistakenly altered or something else? I've double checked security settings.


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    You should mention you are using zpBootstrap. I assume you checked the setting. This looks like a php error to me as the source is truncated. Review your error logs and also be sure to use our fork for compability updates for Zenphoto 1.6 and also PHP 8+.

  • tplowe56 Member
    edited November 2023

    Thanks Malte,

    I think I have a setting problem.

    I am using the zpBoostrap fork and 1.6.1b on my local install. I have reset the theme to default, fresh install of both, so the issue is caused by a setting that is passed from the previous settings.

    This URL will show the index to a non-logged in guest (as desired):


    This will not:


    Any suggestions as to what is set wrong? Thanks!

    Using the Basic theme a non-logged in user will not see index but this URL does not work either - https://localhost/gallery/page/gallery/

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    zpBootstrap might have a home page options like Zenpage (sorry, don't remember off hand right now), so if that is not sset it might not show anything. Basic of course does not have that.

    Generally if there is no error and not truncated html source no albums means generally either there are no albums or there are no published albums.

  • tplowe56 Member
    edited December 2023

    I rolled a live test site back to 1.6.1a and the security behavior returned to the way I had previously set up:

    The gallery index page is viewable to the public. The top level albums thumbnails (which only contains folders) are viewable to the public.

    When the public clicks on any thumbnail the login page pops up. A logged in user would see the next level of album/images.

    This test site running 1.6.1a the index page demonstrates the behaior:

    Running 1.6.1b with the same setting, the public are unable to view the index page, and immediatly asked for a password upon page load.

    I tested 4 themes:
    Basic: displayed Index and login.
    Zenpage: displayed Index and login.
    ZPBootstrap. Index
    Garland: login only

    So far I have only tested ZPbootstrap on 1.6.1b which shows only a login to the public. Also new: all top level albums are "protected by parent" and show a "lock" icon.

    The admin is set as below. /Settings/Options/Gallery/

    gallery security

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    edited December 2023

    Of course if you set the gallery - which refers to the site in Zenphoto and not just albums - to private it is by definitioon not public in general so all pages are protected. Unless you log into via password.

    If you want to galelry index to be public you need to set albums to protected and not the whole site.

  • That is not the behavior prior to 1.6.1b, and how exactly do I do that. I can't find any options to change security on individual albums.

  • tplowe56 Member
    edited December 2023

    I hope you can understand my frustration as I have run my site using the settings above for 12 years, working as I described and now with the testing of 1.6.1b it breaks.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    edited December 2023

    I do understand but the old behaviour was simple not correct in the first place and for years. Inheritance and protection for sublevels was not properly for years so we had to fix and align it all properly.

    If the site as the top parent of everything is protected all items below are as well.

    I am sorry but your way will not be possible this way anymore. Private site just means private site. I described a workaround above.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    edited December 2023

    Another way could be to use the unprotected (theme) pages option and create a static entry page (so "non managed pages" so to speak). Then load this as the home page. That might require some theem customisation though (and I have not tried it).

  • "If you want to galelry index to be public you need to set albums to protected and not the whole site."

    Can you please direct me to where I can set album level security on a public site, I saw it once but I can no longer make it appear/or find it.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    You need to password protect all albums individually. Subalbums inherit from their parents. There is no other way to protect all otherwise as that is the private site/gallery.

    For user rights you can (only) set rights for the toplevel albums for each user or user group.

  • I have tried a public site with logged in users able to see unpublished albums. But the published albums still do not show to the public.

    As an ex commercial photographer I would think any commercial gallery would prefer that the public see the latest images on a home page without logging in, and then clicking on a thumbnail triggers the login.

    Having a static page, which would need constant updating to stay current does not seem like a useful option, for an active professional.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    I have tried a public site with logged in users able to see unpublished albums. But the published albums still do not show to the public.

    Protected but published toplevel albums actually are displayed to the public actually and also listed in menus. They don't have a actual thumb but a lock default image as password protected albums always did because, well, the content is protected.

    You can get the latest images even from protected albums but that requires custom coding.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    I just reviewed options and indeed there seems to be a unwanted bug that disables the "unprotected pages" options. Actually checking for example gallery.php there should have it bypass the private status which is what you like to have (that works with the regstier.php page). I will take a look at that again.

  • Thanks, I have tried all possible combination of unpublished/published & images/albums and cannot get the index of the gallery to show to the public.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    I see that despite all the changes this should still be possible since that is what this option is for… Thanks for finding and inisting on this not working correctly.

  • I see that despite all the changes this should still be possible since that is what this option is for… Thanks for finding and inisting on this not working correctly.

    I don't understand your response.

    After looking into the code your are saying that I should be able to set my gallery index to display publicly using the existing 1.6.1b code?? 10 minutes before you stated you had found a bug.

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    No, I meant that this "should" be possible but isn't right now due to the bug.

  • Ok, thanks Malte. Lost in translation......

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    Please try 1.6.1b from GitHub. Protected toplevel albums should now be show if they are published and the gallery index is defined as unprotected page.

  • Perfect, gallery index now viewable to public, works great. Thanks!

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