The simpler media website CMS
probably i am blind, but where can i find the correct usage of
<?php printRelatedItems(5,'news',null,null,'news'); ?>
in zenphoto 1.6. ?
The above code does not work anymore in 1.6.
Neither when adding it to the codeblock of one article nor when adding it to news.php.
Would be great if someone can help.
Actually nothing changed, the above code should work although the last "news" is actually wrong as that is a boolean parameter:
Did you clear the search cache?
Hi ,
yepp. did this multiple times.
It does not matter if i change the last 'news' to 'false'
Any other ideas?
Something was indeed wrong. This is now fixed. Please try the Support build.
We can sadly confirm meanwhile that this is unwantedly broken. Somehow that slipped through although I was sure I tested it…
No problem at all :-)
Will use the support build as soon as i have time to finish my site.
could you tell me which file from the support build I need to use?
When using the support built as a fresh install, the completed Backend is in english first and all plugins have english messages like the contact form
(send copy instead of Kopie senden etc).
Changing the language in the settings does not change the text. It stays english.
Normally you should not use just files from a support build but the support build in total because of dependencies in numerous files. Regarding related items and the early stage of 1.6.2a you can just use the plugin files
Regarding the language. Please use a separate topic. "1.6" is pretty generic - it's even about 1.6.1 ;-) - and this is a general topic.
Please see:
Also this may still apply:
If using MAMP 6.8 locally gettext does not work using PHP 8.2 for unknown reasons on the MAMP vendor knows. It otherwise works including our own server.
Thanks for your answer - what makes me wondering:
The language works without problems with the official build.
When setting the username/password after the install I see different language flags at the bottom (german, netherland, english).
With the support built it is only the english/american flag.
Anyway: I only need the related items plugin :-)
I don't think there has been any change between 1.6 and 1.6.1 regarding languages.
Note that if you user account has a language set it may override the general setting. But that's not new either.
OK, thanks.
with related items from the support built there seems to be something wrong - sometimes the related items are not shown and the error protocol in the backend shows:
(criteria, data, date) VALUES ('a:5:{s:4:\"item\";s:4:\"news\";s:6:\"fields\";s:4:\"tags\";s:1:\"s\";s:197:\"a:11:{i:0;s:15:\"Bildbearbeitung\";i:1;s:1:\"|\";i:2;s:4:\"Blog\";i:3;s:1:\"|\";i:4;s:10:\"Fotografie\";i:5;s:1:\"|\";i:6;s:13:\"ON1 Photo Raw\";i:7;s:1:\"|\";i:8;s:3:\"RAW\";i:9;s:1:\"|\";i:10;s:13:\"RAW Konverter\";} \";s:4:\"sort\";s:11:\"date
desc\";s:4:\"user\";s:5:\"guest\";}', 'a:8:{i:0;a:3:{s:5:\"title\";s:50:\"a:1:{s:5:\"de_DE\";s:24:\"Seite wird überarbeitet\";}\";s:9:\"titlelink\";s:24:\"Seite-wird-ueberarbeitet\";s:6:\"weight\";i:1;}i:1;a:3:{s:5:\"title\";s:44:\"a:1:{s:5:\"de_DE\";s:18:\"ON1 Photo RAW 2024\";}\";s:9:\"titlelink\";s:18:\"ON1-Photo-RAW_2024\";s:6:\"weight\";i:8;}i:2;a:3:{s:5:\"title\";s:44:\"a:1:{s:5:\"de_DE\";s:18:\"Experiment Beendet\";}\";s:9:\"titlelink\";s:18:\"Experiment-Beendet\";s:6:\"weight\";i:1;}i:3;a:3:{s:5:\"title\";s:44:\"a:1:{s:5:\"de_DE\";s:18:\"Zurück Zu Windows\";}\";s:9:\"titlelink\";s:18:\"Zurueck-Zu-Windows\";s:6:\"weight\";i:1;}i:4;a:3:{s:5:\"title\";s:47:\"a:1:{s:5:\"de_DE\";s:21:\"Multimendia und Linux\";}\";s:9:\"titlelink\";s:21:\"Multimendia-und-Linux\";s:6:\"weight\";i:1;}i:5;a:3:{s:5:\"title\";s:50:\"a:1:{s:5:\"de_DE\";s:24:\"Update Auf Kubuntu 23.10\";}\";s:9:\"titlelink\";s:24:\"Update-Auf-Kubuntu-23.10\";s:6:\"weight\";i:1;}i:6;a:3:{s:5:\"title\";s:32:\"a:1:{s:5:\"de_DE\";s:7:\"Photils\";}\";s:9:\"titlelink\";s:7:\"Photils\";s:6:\"weight\";i:2;}i:7;a:3:{s:5:\"title\";s:30:\"a:1:{s:5:\"de_DE\";s:5:\"KMail\";}\";s:9:\"titlelink\";s:5:\"KMail\";s:6:\"weight\";i:1;}}', '2024-01-20 23:01:23')) fehlgeschlagen. mysqli gab den Fehler Duplicate entry 'a:5:{s:4:"item";s:4:"news";s:6:"fields";s:4:"tags";s:1:"s";s:197' for key 'zen_search_cache.criteria' zurück in /path_to_zenphoto/zp-core/classes/class-dbmysqli.php in Zeile 83trigger_error called from dbMySQLi->query (class-dbmysqli.php [83])
from SearchEngine->cacheSearch (class-searchengine.php [1968])
from SearchEngine->getSearchArticles (class-searchengine.php [1918])
from SearchEngine->getArticles (class-searchengine.php [1850])
from getRelatedItems (related_items.php [63])
from printRelatedItems (related_items.php [156])
from include (news.php [55])
from include (index.php [128])
from index.php [79]
As far as i can see the error is only produced with a logged in user. For non-logged in users everything seems fine.
The change has nothing to do with the search cache actually. Please clear and/or disable the search cache.
clearing the search cache solved the problem as far as i can see.
Great. Let us know if it happens again.
Will do - what maked me wonder is that this happend only with an article which has number in the title and title link like "My Article 2024"
But since the search cache is cleared it did not happened again until now.