Libratus Theme Home Page

JoeW Member

I have installed Zenphoto 1.6.1. The homepage image is OK on a desk top but on a mobile device or cell phone when held sideways is OK but when held upright the home page image is split in two with same image enlarged at the bottom half.
What am I doing wrong?
I have another website that it works fine on both orientations of the cell phone. I do not understand.
Anyone else having this problem?


  • fretzl Administrator, Developer

    Try this...

    In your theme options there's an option called "Custom CSS".

    Enter the following CSS in the field and hit "Apply".

    .cbp-bislideshow li {
        -webkit-background-size: cover;
        -moz-background-size: cover;
        background-size: cover;
        background-position: center center;
    .cbp-bislideshow li img {
        display: none;
  • JoeW Member

    Thank you, Fretzl, It worked very well, thank you.
    One more thing I noticed is when I am logged in as Admin and I click on the Admin link, A drop-down menu shows up on the bottom right corner, but it is all white with no text unless I hover with my mouse then the text becomes visible.
    Is there any setting I can do for that? I have been using Zenphoto since version 1.5.1, it is great.

  • fretzl Administrator, Developer

    You can add

    #zp__admin_data a {
      color: #00999CC;

    to the same Custom CSS field the theme's options.

  • JoeW Member
    edited June 9

    Hi Fretzl,
    Your solutions have all worked well. Thank you for your help.
    I have one other problem that is puzzling me.
    I use Drupal for my CMS. I do not believe it has anything to do with this problem as Zenphoto is a separate database.
    The problem is when I upload Liberatus Theme, it shows me a blank page on the admin screen. All the tabs are visible, but nothing else below it. It is only a gray blank page.
    It is puzzling because I have installed it the same way on other websites that I have on this same server and it works just fine.
    Any ideas?
    All other themes works just fine.
    I can send you the screen shots if I can get your email.
    mail address removed by administrator

  • JoeW Member

    More precisely, on the Theme Tab, if you click on options link, the page is blank.

  • fretzl Administrator, Developer

    I use Drupal for my CMS. I do not believe it has anything to do with this problem as Zenphoto is a separate database.

    I'm not sure I understand. I hope you did not install Libratus in Drupal's theme folder.

    Anyway, always first check the Zenphoto logs and server logs.

    And please don't mix subjects. Start a new topic for a new issue ;-)

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    Note: I have removed the mail address from the post above as it is never a good idea to open post that on a forum.

  • kuzzzma Member, Translator

    In my experience, blank options page for a theme is a sign that some of the theme functions don't work, are depreciated or there is some error in themeoptions file

    • check for differences in PHP, Zenphoto and Libratus versions
    • run depreciated functions test for themes from Overview->Check for deprecated functions
    • check Logs ->Debug log from Zenphoto admin.
    • check error log for your site on ftp
  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    edited June 9

    Also make sure you use libratus from here: More exact from as the versions are a bit behind.

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