watermark with black/grey background although transparent

We are struggling with the watermark after upgrade to newest version of zenfoto

We have a website:


Before the upgrade (at 1.4.14) we had a working watermark.

After the upgrade all watermarks are in place but with a black/grey background.

I doublechecked the png-File with gimp. Its transparent.
I deleted all zenphoto caches via admin panel and recreated all images.
I deleted my browser cache and tried with different browsers.

Still we can not get the watermark be transparent.

Any further advice?

Kind regards,



  • acrylian Administrator, Developer
    edited March 2024

    Does your site use GD or Imagick? I sadly cannot access your site at all right now as the server seems to have a timeout…

    I deleted all zenphoto caches via admin panel and recreated all images.

    That is the right way although existing images actually don't change on an upgrade.

    However in 1.6. or 1.6.1 - I don't remember - there have been fixes to the handling transparency which was kind of broken before.

    Transparent watermarks should be PNG (png24 with alphatransparency at best).

  • Dang! I got it working!

    I just downloaded the watermark png via filezilla.

    Opend in Gimp2 and resaved it.

    Interlacing (Adam7): unchecked
    save background color: unchecked
    save gamma-factor: unchecked
    save layer offset: unchecked
    save resolution: checked
    save creation time: checked
    save colour values from transparent pixels: unchecked
    compression level: 9

    Uploaded and set the new png-file as wartermark.

    zenfoto Image setup:

    Select graphics library: Imagick
    Use embedded thumbnail: checked

    cleared all caches.

    so it sees to be resoved.

    Thanks again!

    The delay resulted in the site trying to recreate 29700 images :-)

  • i recogniced some strange behaviour.

    Although all images were newly cached:

    Just some subgalerys preview pictures still have the black/grey-background issue.

    the pictures itself are fine.

    You can see it here:


  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    The delay resulted in the site trying to recreate 29700 images :-)

    that would explain it, although Zenphoto will only re-create thumbs etc. on access and not automatically in the background. To force re-creation "at once" you need to use the cacheManager.

    Be sure to disable random album thumb selection as ZP otherwise picks a new thumb on every access and there are a lot images it every time needs to process one. That causes delays,too.

    The watermark on the link seems to be correct with transparency. I guess the browser cache is playing tricks on you.

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