View Album - only when NOT logged in

Adrian0832 Member
edited August 2 in General support

I know the forum likes a challenge...

I have a site ( using ZenPhoto / Bootstrap where the majority of the albums are dynamic - it's a gallery of my late father's 35mm slides where the originals are in one Album (with many sub-albums) but other dynamic albums are built, as friends and family add "decade", "rough location" etc.

I've built a dynamic album to indicate (based on tags) whether images HAVE been exported to an archive site, are UNSUITABLE for export (not relevant) or PENDING - all based on Tags and search strings (

That particular album (and no other)
Works normally when viewed as a guest
Has no content, no footer, no "Admin" button top left (but does have breadcrumb trail and description...)

It's almost as though I've created an album with "NOT Admin" rights!

If I browse (logged off) to a dynamic sub-album, it works fine. If I then log on, I'm in the sub-album, with footer and admin button. If I follow the breadcrumbs back one level I lose the footer, content and admin button again...

Thanks for reading


  • Add

    The logfile suggests an SQLi error: -
    and lists a massive string {truncated below}
    USER ERROR: mysqli Error: ( INSERT INTO [prefix]search_cache (criteria, data, date) VALUES ('a:6:{s:4:\"item\";s:6:\"images\";s:6:\"fields\";s:4:\"tags\";s:6:\"search\";s:93:\"a:5:{i:0;s:1:\"!\";i:1;s:10:\"ROMA: Sent\";i:2;s:1:\"&\";i:3;s:1:\"!\";i:4;s:16:\"ROMA: Unsuitable\";} \";s:4:\"sort\";s:11:\"id DESC 1\";s:4:\"user\";s:11:\"\";s:8:\"dynalbum\";s:24:\"ROMA/ROM....

  • acrylian Administrator, Developer

    The missing elements is directly related to the error.

    Clear and disable the search cache. The search cache often causes trouble and actually can be turn off without issues. Especially if you have a lot dynamic albums that even change frequently.

    Directly related please upgrade to the current version 1.6.4 (if you can already test 1.6.5a on a staging site). You are using 1.6.1a, so not even the official release.

    Be sure to use our fork of the zpBootstrap theme. Also primarily test with the included themes as we maintain zpBoostrap only on request basically.

  • Clearing the Search Cache worked - Thank You. I know the site is on an old version but I've also used 23.5 Gb of my hosting allocation of 25 Gb... Don't want to upgrade to a bigger (host) server and upgrade ZenPhoto at the same time...

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